
Cinderella 2 《灰姑娘》2 (精讲之二)

分类: 英美文化 


Cinderella 2 《灰姑娘》2 (精讲之二)Gaq: Cinderella's back!

Grand Duke: Oh, dear, they're back!

Prudence: They're back!

Prudence & Grand Duke: They're back!

Prudence: They're back!

Cinderella: We're back!

Prince: Welcome home.

Cinderella: I still can't believe I'm going to live in a castle. Are you sure this isn't just a dream?

Prince: You're a princess now. Princess Cinderella.

King: She won't even know the first thing about being a princess. She just got back from her honeymoon. It's going to be your duty to prepare the girl.

Grand Duke: Your Majesty, I am honored.

King: Not you, ninny. Prudence!

Prudence: Of course not you. He wants the job done right the first time.

King: The royal banquet will be Cinderella's responsibility now.

Prudence: The royal banquet?

King: You'll teach her everything she needs to know.

Prudence: But, Sire, she won't know anything about planning a royal banquet.

Cinderella: I don't know anything about planning a royal banquet. Oh, well. At least I can stay past midnight.

Prince: Perfect! And I'll be right by your side.

King: I have to go? Now?

Prince: Father, I can't just abandon my princess! Not with the royal banquet only two days away.

King: Nonsense! We have important matters of state to attend to. Important matters of state!

Prince: Eh, Father--She hasn't had time to prepare. She's never been a princess before.

Grand Duke: I dare say, Majesty, you do like your banquets just so, eh? It's a great deal to ask of the poor girl.

King: Nonsense!

Prudence: Your Majesty, I can take care of the preparations as I always do.

King: Just show her what to do! We have a princess now. It's her duty to plan the banquet. And the king's duty to…endure it.

Cinderella: Yes, Your Majesty.

King: Now off we go! Thank you.

Prince: I'm sorry I have to rush off.

Cinderella: Don't worry. I'll be fine.

Prince: I know you're gonna surprise us with an incredible feast.

Cinderella: I just hope you're not too surprised.


1. Honor

Honor is a very important word because it talks about how you treat something or somebody. For example: They decide to honor their leader and they listen to everything he or she said.

A. 作为名词,“荣幸”
I have the honor to present the governor.
He's an honor to his parents.
B. 作为动词,“敬重;尊敬;使荣耀”
Will you honor me with a visit?
Will you honor me a dance?

2. Matter

Matter 有好几个常用的意思,我们一起来看一看:
A. 麻烦,困难:
What's the matter with your car?
B. 近似量:大约的数量、总额或范围
The construction will last a matter of years.
C. 有重要性
It doesn't matter if you are late.

3. off


A. The town is five miles off. 小城离这儿五英里远。
B. The milk has gone off. 这牛奶已变质。
C. He lifted a cup off the table. 他从桌上拿起一只杯子。
D. Tomorrow will be my day off. 明天我休息(不上班)。


Origin of the Honeymoon Tradition

Cinderella 2 《灰姑娘》2 (精讲之二)Today, the tradition of a honeymoon following nuptials (婚礼) has, long way from its original meaning. Today's "happy ending" to the wedding event is a far cry from its much different beginnings. The word honeymoon has its roots in the Norse (挪威人的) word "hjunottsmanathr" which was anything but blissful. 很久很久以前,在北欧的一些国家,有这样一个风俗:新娘是到邻近的村庄抢来的。既然新娘是抢来的,新娘的全家就要进行到处搜寻了。新郎就只有带着刚抢来的新娘藏起来一段时间。His friends assured his and her safe keeping and kept their whereabouts unknown. Once the bride's family gave up their search, the bride groom returned to his people. This folkloric explanation presumably is the origin of today's honeymoon, for its original meaning meant "hiding".



1. 他实践了自己的诺言。
2. 情形因国家而异。
3. 他们一同离开了,留下我独自坐在那里。

Cinderella 2《灰姑娘》2 (精讲之一)考考你 参考答案

This play is coming on again next month.

He is excellent in mathematics.

It is well done of you to come to me.

