
Sabrina 《情归巴黎》(精讲之二)

分类: 英美文化 


Sabrina 《情归巴黎》(精讲之二)David: Ron. Ron. I need to talk to you.

Linus: I'm in a meeting.

David: When was the last time I came here?

Linus: You're right. Ron. Ron.

David: I wondered why I was suddenly being treated with so much respect.

Linus: Is something bothering you David?

David: You've been pushing me into this relationship with Elizabeth so you could engineer a merger with Tyson.

Linus: Pushing you? I could burn in hell for the lies I told about you. You begged me to make you look good in front of Elizabeth.

David: You never said a word about planning to make an offer to Patrick.

Linus: "Talk about my accomplishments," you said. "My qualities, be creative, lie!" you said.

David: I can't do this, Linus. I'm not ready to make this kind of commitment.

Linus: Oh, I see. She must have asked for an actual wedding date.

David: I don't know what came over me. She was healing children; I was in a tuxedo I'm not in any position to take care of a wife.

Linus: Elizabeth is a doctor and a millionaire, David. She won't be a burden. You don't deserve her, but she appears to love you.

David: Yeah, see, doesn't that worry you a little bit? I mean about her mental health?

Linus: David.

David: So this is all just a coincidence?

Linus: It's an opportunity.

David: Opportunity?

Linus: What do you expect me to do? Disqualify myself from a billion dollar merger because I might have family connections?

David: What are you doing? It was just a question!

Linus: Look at this thing. Not a scratch.

David: Is this some new way of changing the subject?

Linus: No one in the world has a flat panel screen this size, except Patrick Tyson. And the damn thing's indestructible. He's sitting on the hottest technology in town and everyone in Wall Street knows it. We've got so much competition on this merger that...

David: Wait a minute Linus. You're talking about my life.

Linus: I pay for your life, David. My life makes your life possible.

David: I resent that.

Linus: So do I. Look at yourself. You went to law school, you never took the bar. You went to business school, I can't get you anywhere near the office. You studied languages, you don't speak. Instruments, you don't play. You have a series of girlfriends, you never see more than twice. Do you not see a pattern here?

David: Who are you to lecture me about closeness? Your idea of a long-term relationship is giving your date a chance to order dessert.

Linus: I don't have time for dessert. I'm too busy with this company. You're a grown man, David. Finish something. Elizabeth Tyson's the best thing that ever happened to you, and you told me so yourself.


1. in/out of position

in/out of position 是个固定搭配,意思是“在(不在)适当位置”,常被引申为“有(无)能力”。例如,I'm in position to take this task.我有能力来承担这项任务。电影中的I'm not in any position to take care of a wife. 意思就是“我还无法照顾一个妻子。”

2. Disqualify somebody form something

“因为某人违反了规则或者规定,剥夺做某事的资格”的意思,例如,The boy's age disqualified him from entering the contest. 因为年龄的原因这个男孩没有参加比赛的资格。而电影当中的Disqualify myself from a billion dollar merger because I might have family connections? 意思就是:你想让我为了和他们攀亲戚,就放弃几十亿元的生意吗?

3. Sit on

“Sit on保守(秘密)”是一个非正式的词组,意思是“不让别人知道某种信息”,多数是压制性的保密。例如:The government will sit on the report until after the election.在竞选结束之前,政府会封锁报告的内容。电影中的He's sitting on the hottest technology in town. 意思就是“他手里有炙手可热的技术。”

4. Pattern

Pattern在这里意思是“规律、方式”,比如:They like new patterns of family life. 他们喜欢新的家庭生活方式


Sabrina 《情归巴黎》(精讲之二)Wall Street 华尔街

Site of major United States stock exchanges and financial institutions, located in the lower Manhattan area of New York City. The term Wall Street has come to be synonymous with United States financial interests.华尔街两旁很早就已是摩天大楼林立,街道如同峡谷,抬头只能望见一线天。数不清的大银行、信托公司、保险公司和交易所都在这里驻足。每天成千上万的白领阶层涌到这里上班。而住在郊区的金融巨头们,则不必受挤车堵车之苦。他们上下班乘飞机,直升机场就设在华尔街东端不远的东河畔。华尔街是金融和投资高度集中的象征。


1. 我担心自己能力不够,不能通过这次考试。

2. 他保守这个信息好几个星期了

3. 近几年家庭生活的模式都变了。

Sabrina 《情归巴黎》(精讲之一)考考你 参考答案

I wonder whether you like her.

Miss Watkins was a nobody. She was a drifter. No family, no close friends.

What if she doesn't believe me?

It's none of my business.

