
Love actually《真爱至上》精讲之五

分类: 英美文化 



Love actually《真爱至上》精讲之五Sales clerk: Looking for anything in particular, sir?

Harry: Yes, em, that necklace there, how much is it?

Sales clerk: It's£270.

Harry: Erm, all right, er, I'll have it.

Sales clerk: Lovely! Would you like it... gift- wrapped?

Harry: Yes, all right.

Sales clerk: Lovely! Let me just pop it in the box. There!

Harry: Look, could we be quite quick?

Sales clerk: Certainly, sir!Ready in the flashest of flashes! There!

Harry: That's great.

Sales clerk: Not quite finished.

Harry: Look I, I don't need a bag; I'll just put it in my pocket.

Sales clerk: Oh, this isn't a bag, sir!

Harry: Really?

Sales clerk: This is so much more than a bag! Ooh!

Harry: Could we be quite quick, please!

Sales clerk: Prontissimo.

Harry: What's that?

Sales clerk: It's a cinnamon stick, sir!

Harry: Actually, I really can't wait!

Sales clerk: You won't regret it, sir.

Harry: Wanna bet?

Sales clerk: 'Tis, but the work of a moment. Yeah? Almost finished.

Harry: Almost finished, what else gonna be. Are you gonna dip it in your yogurt, cover it with chocolate buttons?

Sales clerk: Oh, no sir, we're going to pop it in the Christmas box.

Harry: But I don't want a Christmas box.

Sales clerk: But you said you wanted it gift-wrapped.

Harry: I did, but...

Love actually《真爱至上》精讲之五Sales clerk: This is the final flourish.

Harry: Can I just pay?

Sales clerk: All we need now...

Harry: Oh, God!

Sales clerk: Is a sprig of holly?

Harry: No, no, no, no. No bloody holly!

Sales clerk: But, sir...

Harry: Leave it, leave it! Just leave it!


1. Looking for anything in particular

“请问您需要什么?”这可是一句特别地道的表达,是要比 Can I help you?What can I do for you? 好上很多的招揽顾客的方式。

2. Gift-wrapped

这是在买礼品的时候可能会用到的话,指的就是“给礼物打包装”。通常情况下店员会问 Would you like it gift-wrapped? 意思就是“您需要包装吗?”
3. Ready in the flashest of the flashes

在理解这句话之前,我们要先看一下flash这个词,它指的是“闪现”,有一个这样的短语:flash in the pan,指的是“昙花一现”。由此可以看出 flash有“短暂”的意思。还有一个短语be in the flash,指的是“立刻,马上”。 in the flashest of the flashes 实际上是一种夸张的说法,但又不失生动,意思就等于in the flash。

4. This is so much more than a bag

如果直译这句话,意思就是“这要比一个袋子还多”,但你会发现这不是一句正常的中文。正确的意思是:这比袋子还要袋子。比如当我们生气的时候会说“你怎么这么傻,比傻子还傻”英文就是:You're so much more than a jerk!

5. The work of the moment

这是在英文中的习惯表达方式,类似的还有the man of the year,the album of the year。The work of the moment 的意思就是“绝世佳作”,the man of the year 就是“年度风云人物”,the album of the year 就是“年度最佳唱片”。



Love actually《真爱至上》精讲之五Prontissimo is a kind of make-up word, coming from both Italian and English; sometimes people use it for fun. If we are in a hurry, we used to say hurry, or be quick please. If we don't wanna be offensive or reveal our impatience, "prontissimo", with no doubt, could be a good choice. Prontissimo 实际上是一个半外来语,前部分来自印度语presto意思是“快”,这个词来自印度的一种乐器,这种乐器要以特别快的速度来弹奏,最后人们就把protissimo做为“快”的代名词了。



1. 请问你的礼物需要打上包装吗?
Would you like it gift-wrapped?

2. 马上就好!
Ready in the flashest of the flashes.

3. 天呐!你岂止是天才,你比天才还天才!
Oh my goodness, you're so not a genius, you're much more than a genius.

Love actually《真爱至上》精讲之四 考考你 参考答案

1. 我能用我的铅笔换你的文具盒吗?
Can I swap your pencil box for my pencil?

2. 我花了好大的劲才找到我的笔记本。
I had a real search for my note-book.

3. 别到处炫耀了,不就是个手机嘛?
Don't show it around, it just is a cellphone.

