
Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲十五)

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Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲十五)

Carrie: Unlike Miranda, I wasn't ready to accept that all single men were freaks. I was so optimistic that I had actually agreed to go on my first blind date in two years. P.J. was a very successful independent movie producer. His documentary on endangered seagulls had just aired to excellent reviews on PBS. So, documentary films. That must be fun.

P.J.: Well, let's be realistic. I'm only doing this docu bullshit to earn a rep. You know, I may ultimately want to parlay into the action movie arena. I want to make money. I'm not afraid to say it. OK? I love money. I'd sell toilet bowls if it'd make me a millionaire.

Carrie: What about the seagulls?


P.J.: Fuck the seagulls.

Carrie: Step right up, folks. Two vodkas and a $12 pasta buys your admission to see The Man With No Soul. Observe, if you dare, this chilling sight. Bachelor Number Two seemed promising. Just so you know, I can't see a movie without popcorn.

Man: I'm a Junior Mints kind of guy. This relationship is probably doomed. You want to lean a little closer? Maybe hear our entire conversation? Hey, here’s a better idea. Why don't you and your fucking girlfriend just sit on our laps during the movie? Then you won't miss a fucking word, dick!

Carrie: Ladies and gentlemen, stand far away from The Man With Two Faces. They say the third time's the charm. Max was a broker who made two million on bonds last year. We had a great dinner in Little Italy. Not only did Max have two million, he also appeared to have a lending library in his pants. Parents, please keep the kiddies away from the cage of The Man Who Steals Cheap Used Books for No Reason.


1. Independent movie producer: 独立电影制作人。

2. Public Broadcasting Service: (美国)公共广播公司

3. Documentary film, documentary 记录片

Documentary film is a broad category of visual expression that is based on the attempt, in one fashion or another, to "document" reality. Although "documentary film" originally referred to movies shot on film stock, it has subsequently expanded to include video and digital productions that can be either direct-to-video or made for a television series. Documentary, as it applies here, works to identify a "filmmaking practice, a cinematic tradition, and mode of audience reception" that is continually evolving and is without clear boundaries.

4. Parlay into

Parlay 的本意是“谈判”,这里则指“成功地利用To maneuver (an asset) to great advantage”,例如:John parlayed some small investments into a large fortune. 约翰成功地把一些小投资转变为一项大资产。

5. Earn a rep

Rep 这里是 reputation 的简写。这里我们又学到一个表达法,记住“赚得名声”就可以用earn a rep 来表达。例如:All he wants to get is to earn a rep and make a lot of money.

6. Action movie

也叫做 action film,既是我们中文中说的“动作片”。关于电影类型和分级更详细的介绍,请参看:“电影分级”怎么说 (http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/language_tips/2007-01/30/content_796448.htm)

7. Junior Mints

Junior Mints are a candy currently produced by Tootsie Roll Industries. They are small rounds of mint filling inside of a dark chocolate coating, sold packaged in varying amounts from a single serving fun size to a much larger 3.5 servings for movie theaters. Junior Mints are sold in many venues, but are particularly popular in movie theatres. This is mainly because that is where they originated.

这个男人的意思是说他有在看电影时吃糖的习惯,就如同Carrie 在看电影时一定要吃爆米花一样。

8. This relationship is probably doomed.


9. Lending library

Lending library is a library from which books may be borrowed or rented for a minimal fee. 也叫做 circulating library.



独立电影,英文中叫做independent film。独立电影在国外有着长久的历史,在国内2000年后才开始引起主流的注意。而今天,只要你有一部数码相机,就可以自己拍电影。

Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲十五)

An independent film, or indie film, is usually a low-budget film that is produced by a small movie studio. Additionally, the term is used to describe less commercially-driven art films which differ markedly from the norms of plot-driven, mainstream classical Hollywood cinema. These films are often produced by subsidiaries of larger studios, such as Sony Pictures Classics, as long as less than half of its budget comes from a major movie studio. In 2005, about 15% of the U.S. domestic box office revenue was from independent studios. Independent films are often distinguishable by their content or style. The writer or director's original authorial intent or personal creative vision is usually maintained in the final film.

The independent film scene's development in the 1990s and 2000s has been stimulated by a range of factors, including the development of affordable High Definition digital video cameras that can rival 35 mm film quality and easy-to-use computer editing software and the increasing visibility of independent film festivals such as the Sundance Film Festival. 出名的独立电影有《杯酒人生》,《阳光小美女》等等。

The roots of independent film can be traced back to when the early pioneer filmmakers in the 1900s who resisted the control of the company called the Motion Picture Patents Company and the Edison trusts. Independent filmmakers built their own cameras and moved to Southern California where they laid the foundations of the American film industry as well as the Hollywood studio. The

Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲十五)

studio system eventually became so powerful that some filmmakers once again sought independence as a result. Independent filmmakers around the world have created a diverse range of filmmaking styles that symbolize their own unique cultures and subcultures such as experimental film and underground film. Some independent filmmakers use digital video techniques. While most of the US film industry is located in Los Angeles, one-third of all independent films in the US are produced in New York City.

Until the advent of digital alternatives, the cost of professional film equipment and stock was a major obstacle to independent filmmakers who wanted to make their own films. The cost of 35mm film is outpacing inflation: in 2002 alone, film negative costs were up 23%, according to Variety. Studio-quality filming typically required expensive lighting and post-production facilities.

But the advent of consumer camcorders in 1985, and more importantly, the arrival of high-resolution digital video in the early 1990s, have since lowered the technology barrier to movie production considerably. Both production and post-production costs have been significantly lowered; today, the hardware and software for post-production can be installed in a commodity-based personal computer. Technologies such as DVD, FireWire connections and professional-level non-linear editing system software make movie-making relatively inexpensive.

The first independent film released on HD DVD was One Six Right on November 1, 2006



P.J.: Well, let's be realistic. I'm only doing this docu bullshit to earn a rep. You know, I may ultimately want to parlay into the action movie arena. I want to make money. I'm not afraid to say it. OK? I love money. I'd sell toilet bowls if it'd make me a millionaire.

Carrie: What about the seagulls?

P.J.: Fuck the seagulls.

Carrie: Step right up, folks. Two vodkas and a $12 pasta buys your admission to see The Man With No Soul.

Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲十四)考考你 参考答案

Miranda: You think a dozen roses and a card that says "Best wishes" qualifies as a grand gesture?


Charlotte: Well, yeah, you know men. They can never say, "I was wrong." They just send flowers.


Miranda: Yeah, well, sometimes a rose is just a rose.


Samantha: And jewelry, that's another story.


