

分类: 英美文化 




Morty: Everyone goes on autopilot now and then. The big difference is now you've got a nifty remote to help you decide when.

Michael: This thing is the best.

Morty: By the way, your wife? Absolutely gorgeous.

Michael: She is, isn't she?

Morty: Perfect face. Tight, rocking body.

Michael: You okay?

Morty: Amazing.

Michael: What is?

Morty: She fell for a schlub like you.

Michael: I'm a schlub? I don't know about that, pal. I see a good-looking man right there. You wanna see what a stud I used to be? Yeah? All right, let's take a look at some of the girls I used to fool around with before I met Donna. Oh.

Morty: Is that a man or a woman?

Michael: A woman.

Morty: What is this, Animal Planet? Stop.

Michael: Yes.

Morty: You know, sometimes it's better to keep certain memories just in your head.

Michael: So I've learned, Morty. Good night. Thank you.

Morty: Good night, Michael.

Michael: I'm getting sick, man. Fast-forward me till I'm better.

Donna: Michael, honey, wake up. You'll be late for work.

Michael: What? It's Monday already? Are you kidding me? No more phlegm? I skipped an entire cold? Thanks to you, baby! I love you! No more Tylenol! I don't remember doing any work this weekend. But apparently I did.

Donna: Bad news. There's no hot water.

Michael: What? I gotta take a shower.

Donna: Well, you're gonna freeze your bun-buns off.

Michael: It's all good. Yes! Look at me. All showered and dressed and looking sexy. I like that. I-

Samantha: Did you smoke crack, Daddy?

Michael: Just watch yourtoons and have a great day with Mommy today, okay? Eating cupcakes like your old man. Right here, baby.


Ben: Dad?

Michael: Yes, sir?

Ben: Are you gonna have to work late again tonight?

Michael: Unfortunately, yes.

Samantha: Is there anything we can do to help?

Michael: Well, I'm gonna be partner soon, and I'm gonna need a lot of new building designs. So if you guys have any cool ideas, I want you to draw them up for me.

Ben&Samantha: Okay.

Michael: Rock 'n' roll.

Samantha: I get the paper.

Ben: I got the crayons.


1. Fall for

Fall for 是个俚语,意思是“to fall in love with,become attracted to” ,例如:I was sure he'd fall for her.

Fall for 作为俚语还有一个常用的意思是“to be deceived by被欺骗”,例如:He fell for the con artist's scheme and lost a great deal of money.

2. Fool around

Fool around 在这里的意思是“Engage in flirting or casual sexual acts; engage in adultery(与异性)鬼混”,例如:He caught the two teenagers fooling around in the basement.

3. Bun-buns

Bun 是一种小圆面包,但在俚语中指“半边屁股”,圆圆的屁股看起来和小圆面包的外形确实也是很像哦。以此类推,bun-buns 当然就是“整个屁股”了。

4. Crack

Crack 在俚语中指一种经过高度化学提纯的可卡因药丸,通过玻璃烟管吸取,很容易使人上瘾;翻译成中文称为“快克”。

5. Toon

Cartoon 的略称。

6. Old man

Old man 在俚语中即可以指“父亲”,也可以指“丈夫”,当然通常用来指自己的老爹或者丈夫。此外,它还可以指“情人,男朋友”,尤指“同居的男友”。

文化面面观 http://www.engbus.cn 英语巴士网

认识我们的邻居:Animal Planet 动物星球


Animal Planet, launched in 1996, is a cable and satellite television network co-owned by Discovery Communications, Inc. (parent company of Discovery Channel, TLC, and Discovery Health Channel) and BBC Worldwide. The channel is dedicated to programming that highlights the relationship between humans and animals.

On January 1, 1997, Animal Planet's distribution grew as a result of Discovery Communications buying the channel space of WOR EMI Service (a New York City-based American superstation), a national feed of New York's WWOR-TV (owned by Fox Television Stations) that was implemented in the light of the SyndEx laws (联播排外) enforced by the FCC (美国通信委员会).

It is available throughout the United States, and in over 70 countries around the world. In New Zealand, Animal Planet is broadcast on SKY Network Television.

Country-specific versions of the channel have been created in Canada, India, and other countries.

The National Aquarium in Baltimore has an exhibit named Animal Planet Australia: Wild Extreme which opened in late 2005 in a multi-million dollar expansion. Animal Planet and the National Aquarium in Baltimore in 2004 announced a multi-year partnership which produced an original orientation film that gives Aquarium visitors background on the Australian area which inspired the new exhibit and a dedicated area inside the expansion where visitors can learn about Animal Planet's conservation efforts and other programming. The partnership also has possible future production of TV programs about the National Aquarium in Baltimore's research and exhibits.

Click《人生遥控器》(精讲之四)Steve Irwin 

In 2006, BBC Worldwide sold its 20% interest in Animal Planet US back to Discovery Communications. The BBC maintained its 50% ownership in Animal Planet Europe, Animal Planet Asia and Animal Planet Latin America and its minority position in Animal Planet Japan and Animal Planet Canada.

Genius Products has announced a U.S. distribution agreement not only with Animal Planet, but also with TLC.

On September 4, 2006, Steve Irwin, one of the network's most renowned personalities, died after being stung by a stingray.



1. 你别指望她能看上他这种类型的人。

2. 当他太太发现他跟别的女人胡搞时,情况变得一团混乱。

3. 他老爸同意他开车去舞会。

4. 公司给我丈夫开了个退休派对。

Click《人生遥控器》(精讲之三)考考你 参考答案

1. 约翰逊教授在我们学校,就像是小池里的大鱼,英雄无用武之地了。

In our school, Professor Johnson is a big fish in a small pond.

2. 我把整个计划搞得一团糟。

I screwed up the whole plan.

3. 那部电影可真烂啊!

That movie sucked.

