

分类: 英美文化 




Michael: No, no, no. I'm feeling terrific. The weight. How did you do it? Staple treatment like your old man? You wanna have a flap fight? You gotta see this...

Ben: No. Just working out with Bill five times a week. Same as always.

Michael: Vow. Oh. That's a looker. Blondie, big lips. Chesty. Is that your girl?

Ben: No, that's your daughter Samantha.

Michael: Of course it is. And you better always take care of her and make sure nobody touches her except you.

Ben: Pop, I'm just getting ready for this meeting.

Michael: Oh… Okay. Absolutely. I'lltake off for you. I'd like to spend more time together. All of us. Take you out for ice cream. How's that? I know your mother won't come, but you, Samantha, Grandpa, Grandma. That'd be nice, huh?

Ben: I knew something was funny with you today. Papa, take a seat. Let me get you a water, okay?

Michael: What are we sitting for?

Ben: Here you go, Pop, drink this.

Michael: All right. Drink some water. There, I had my water. What's going on?

Ben: Grandpa died, Dad. He died a while back now.

Michael: No, no, no, no. no. Don't say that. Where was I?

Ben: You're crying?

Michael: What happened?

Ben: Nothing. You know, he just got old. That's life.

Michael: Ah. Shit.

Ben: You're born and you live and you die. That’s it.

Michael: Man, I gotta go.

Ben: Hey, hang on. Susie, push my next meeting.

Michael: No, no, do your meeting. It's fine. I'm just dizzy.

Ben: Why are you crying?

Michael: I'm dizzy from the operation.

Ben: You're gonna make me cry, Dad. You don't... you don't have to go.

Michael: You look... you look good. It's all right. Goodbye. Come on. Come on.

Morty: It won't take you there.

Michael: Take me where?

Morty: To the moment he died. You weren't there.

Michael: Of course I wasn't. Can you take me to the last time I saw him, please?

Ben: Hey, Dad. Sorry to bug you. Would you mind looking at my, my shopping mall design again? This one is cheaper. But if you check this out, you'll see it has a much better natural flow...

Michael: Cheaper one, like I said. Now, just let me do my e-mail.

Ben: Yeah. Yeah, you're right, Dad.


Michael: He ain't right. You're a schmuck! Look at it!

Grandpa: Surprise.

Ben: Hey, Grandpa.

Michael: Oh, my God.

Grandpa: When did you get so handsome? So, Michael, I had a wonderful idea. Your mother's playing canasta with her friends tonight. I thought, "Oh, what a great opportunity." You, me and Ben should go and have a boys' night out.

Michael: Can't.

Grandpa: What do you mean you can't? You have to eat sometime. We could go, we could whistle at pretty girls.

Ben: I'm down for that.

Grandpa: See? He's down. I don't know what it means, but he's down.

Michael: Hey. Please.

Grandpa: Don't give me that finger. I'll make you a deal. If you come, I'll show you the quarter trick.

Michael: Will you look at the man?

Grandpa: I'll tell you the secret.

Michael: No, Dad.

Grandpa: Don't you wanna know how I...?

Michael: I know how you do the stupid trick. I've always known. Can you let me do my work?

Grandpa: You've always known.

Michael: You're pathetic.

Grandpa: Okay. I'm so sorry I barged in. I love you, son.

Ben: See you later, Grandpa, I love you.

Michael: Dad. Pop. Pop.

Grandpa: I love you, son. I love you, son. I love you, son.

Michael: I love you too, Dad. I'll miss you.


1. Work out

Work out 指的是“Engage in strenuous exercise for physical conditioning 去健身房锻炼”,例如:He works out with weights(哑铃)every other day.

2. Take off

Take off 在这里的意思是“Leave, go away离开”,例如:I'm taking off now.

这个片语也写作 take oneself off,例如用在祈使句中:Take yourself off right now!

3. A while back

意思相当于 a while ago,即“Some time in the past”,通常表示的是“短时间或是不太长时间以前”,例如:I ran into Barbara a while back but didn't get her new address.

4. Bug

这里 bug 的意思是“to bother; annoy打扰”,例如:She's bugging him to get her into show business.

5. Be down for

这个片语的意思是“被列入名单”,意即“加入”,例如:I’m down for the party.

6. Barge in

意思是“Enter rudely or abruptly, intrude闯入”,例如:Her mother never knocks but just barges in.

文化面面观 http://www.engbus.cn 英语巴士网

神奇遥控器:Remote features


The film shows that the remote control’s features include:



Causes everyone and everything but Michael (and Morty, near the end of the film) to freeze in place. Michael sometimes assaults people while they are paused; they feel sudden pain and suspect nothing.

Fast forward

Can be used to accelerate other people or the family dog (who apparently do not notice this change). When used on Michael’s life, puts him on auto-pilot during the skipped interval. (While on auto-pilot, Michael cannot change his habits. His wife notices when he has been on auto-pilot for a long period, but nobody else does.)


Cannot undo anything, but allows Michael to revisit (without changing) the past. The Michael with the remote control is separate from the Michael in the revisited time period and can walk in and around the revisited scene unnoticed. It is revealed in the graveyard scene that Michael can only rewind to scenes in which he was present at that time.

Volume control

Used to silence a barking dog.

Language selection

Options include, but are not limited to English, Spanish and Japanese. Produces a perfect translation, unlike the garbled output of real machine translators. Michael uses this in combination with volume control to eavesdrop on prospective Japanese clients and learn what they think of his proposal; this helps him win their account. He also uses this to break the tedium of a sexual harassment seminar by switching everyone’s language, including his own, to Spanish. (Michael is the only one aware of either change.)

Color adjustment

Michael experiments with this on his own complexion. He has a bit of fun by changing his skin color to Green, Purple and Yellow (Green being the Hulk, Purple being Barney, and Yellow being Scurvy). Seems to work only with hue (although the saturation increases greatly during his experimentation). Other people notice his "tan."

Aspect ratio selection

Choices are normal, wide and panoramic. Michael uses this to make his boss much shorter and fatter; his voice also changes correspondingly. (No one but Michael is aware of the change.)

Main menu

This includes scene selection and bonus features such as a making-of and a running commentary (voiced by James Earl Jones).

Picture in Picture

Michael uses this while Janine is complaining. When the button is pressed, a picture of Hideki Matsui of the New York Yankees hitting a two-run home run shows up at the bottom right corner of the screen (only Michael can see this).


Similar to the volume control but much faster. It is shown when the man (played by Terry Crews) in the Chevrolet Corvette C6 is singing annoyingly and loudly to Working for the Weekend and Michael Newman smiles and presses mute and chuckles at him after he has no sound.


The remote remembers your actions with the remote and will automatically act according to your previous using of the remote. For example, when Michael tells the remote to fast forward through a cold, the remote remembers this and automatically fast forwards through any sickness. This proves to be one of the major problems of the movie as Michael gets cancer and is automatically fast forwarded 6 years. It also remembers your actions in life so the remote immediately "knows" how to make yourself act when in auto-pilot.



1. 拳击手们今晚去体育馆训练。

2. 我们下个月去中国。

3. 约翰不久前写信给我,谈到他刚出生的孩子。

Click《人生遥控器》(精讲之七)考考你 参考答案

1. 别告诉玛吉任何机密的事情,她的大嘴巴是出了名的。

Don't tell Peggy anything confidential; she's known for having a big mouth.

2. 她计划休学一年。

She planned to drop out from college for a year.

3. 奈杰尔弃学从商后,过了很长时期才适应于那种竞争激烈的环境。

After Nigel left his academic post and went into business, it took him quite a while adjust to the rat race.

