

分类: 英语美文  时间: 2023-11-24 15:27:12 

Earlier this week, Kensington Palace was forced to issue a statement in response to a new cover story about Kate Middleton in Tatler.

The story suggested that the Duchess of Cambridge was struggling in her new role within the royal family, following the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's decision to step down.

The article also alleged that Kate was overwhelmed with her workload, and referenced a supposed disagreement between the duchess and Meghan Markle.


Now, the Mail on Sunday's royal editor, Emily Andrews, has reported, "In a highly unusual move, the couple have sent legal letters to the magazine demanding its profile of the Duchess—headlined 'Catherine the Great'—be removed from the internet." By sending legal letters, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have made their stance on the article clear.
现在《星期日邮报》的皇家编辑Emily Andrews说:“这对夫妻的反应极不寻常,向该杂志发了法律信函,要求其在网上删除关于公爵夫人的题为‘叶卡捷琳娜大帝’的文章。”剑桥公爵夫妇发出法律信函就是表明了对这篇文章的立场

A royal source reportedly told the Mail on Sunday, "The piece is full of lies. There is no truth to their claim that the Duchess feels overwhelmed with work, nor that the Duke is obsessed with Carole Middleton. It's preposterous and downright wrong."

Regarding the cover story, Kensington Palace previously released a statement which said, "This story contains a swathe of inaccuracies and false misrepresentations which were not put to Kensington Palace prior to publication."

