

分类: 英语故事 

爱思英语编者按:卷入“涉嫌恐怖威胁(terrorist threat)”漩涡的中国留学生翟田田,在异国他乡经历约4个月的牢狱之灾后,终于凭藉“自动离境”权利离美归国。心情稍稍平静的他表示:“过去的110多天就像一场巨大的噩梦。”



Zhai Tiantian, a student accused of setting fire to a building on a college campus in New Jersey, left the JFK airport for Beijing on Aug 10.

He embraced his father at Beijing Capital International Airport when his flight from the United States arrived in Beijing. "I feel so sad that I want to cry," said Zhai Taishan, Zhai Tiantian's father. He flew to Beijing from central China's Hunan Province to meet his son.

翟田田,这名来自中国的研究生,之前就读于新泽西州霍博肯蒂文思技术学院,4月16日,他被警方逮捕。罪名是企图放火烧毁校园建筑以及威胁和自己发生分歧的一位教授。 更多信息请访问:http://www.engbus.cn/
Zhai Tiantian, was a Chinese graduate student at the Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey, before he was arrested by police on April 16. He has been accused of trying to set fire to a campus building and of making threats to one of his professors with whom he had a disagreement.

A friend of Zhai Taishan's said Zhai Tiantian would do three things in the following days. First, he will have a rest in Beijing for a couple of days and a press conference might be held. Second, he will go back to Hunan. Third, he will consider countersuing the U.S. police who arrested and detained him up to four months in the absence of sufficient evidence, China News Services reported on Wednesday.

Zhai's case became an international incident with stories widely printed in Chinese news media and blogs. Some have described the case as racial discrimination and an example of the flawed US justice system while others said he deserves to be punished for what he allegedly did.


accuse 控告
allegedly 据传说
countersue 反诉
detain 拘留, 扣留
flawed 有缺陷的
press conference 新闻发布会
racial discrimination 种族歧视
terrorist threat 恐怖威胁


