爱思英语编者按:《哈利·波特》斯内普教授扮演者艾伦·里克曼(Alan Rickman)因癌症在英国伦敦去世,享年69岁。到现在很多人仍然沉浸在Alan过世的悲伤中无法自拔。《哈利·波特》的工作人员们也纷纷在自己的社交平台上表达了悼念。其中Harry Potter的扮演者Daniel Radcliffe更是写了一封信来表达自己的悼念。这封信也让我们看到了Alan的另一面,无比美好。
Alan Rickman is undoubtedly one of the greatest actors I will ever work with. He is also, one of the loyalest and most supportive people I’ve ever met in the film industry. He was so encouraging of me both on set and in the years post-Potter. I’m pretty sure he came and saw everything I ever did on stage both in London and New York. He didn’t have to do that. I know other people who’ve been friends with him for much much longer than I have and they all say, “If you call Alan, it doesn’t matter where in the world he is or how busy he is with what he’s doing, he’ll get back to you within a day”.
People create perceptions of actors based on the parts they played so it might surprise some people to learn that contrary to some of the sterner (or downright scary) characters he played, Alan was extremely kind, generous, self-deprecating and funny. And certain things obviously became even funnier when delivered in his unmistakable double-bass.
As an actor he was one of the first of the adults on Potter to treat me like a peer rather than a child. Working with him at such a formative age was incredibly important and I will carry the lessons he taught me for the rest of my life and career. Film sets and theatre stages are all far poorer for the loss of this great actor and man.
Alan Rickman无疑是我一起工作过的最棒的演员之一,他同时也是我在电影界中见到过的最忠实、最支持他人的人。在我们一起拍摄《哈利·波特》的时候和之后的时期,他总是一直鼓励着我。我很确信,他来看了我演出的所有舞台剧,无论是在伦敦还是在纽约,他其实真的不必做到如此境界。那些跟Alan交朋友时间比我还久的人都说过:如果你需要Alan,无论他在哪里,在忙什么,有多忙,他都一定会在第一时间赶到你的身边。
癌症让英国再度失去一位伟大的演员,哈利·波特扮演者丹尼尔·雷德里克夫用“慈祥、大方、自黑、幽默”四个词勾勒出艾伦·瑞克曼的私人形象。他的资历表里戏剧与影视各占半天边,这也是一位表演职人最美好的积累,在他的范畴里,没拿过奥斯卡根本算不上遗憾,在诸多电影人心中他永远是“无冕之王”。RIP, Alan Rickman!