

  • 31. Shopping in the Dime store 在低价商店购物

    31. Shopping in the Dime Store 在低价商店购物 A: Do you carry black ink? B: The ink should be next to the paper clips and thumb tacks in the stationary sect...

  • 32. Trading Stamps 用赠券换东西

    32. Trading Stamps 用赠券换东西 A: Every time I go to the grocery, the clerk asks me if I save stamps. I always say no, but sometimes I get them anyway. B:...

  • 33. Best Seller 畅销书

    33. Best Seller 畅销书 A: What's that book you have under your arm? B: It's the best seller everone's been talking about for the last six mo...

  • 34. Planning a Picnic 准备一次野餐

    34. Planning a Picnic 准备一次野餐 A: You know, let's do something we haven't done for a long time. I'd like to go on a picnic. Where could we ...

  • 35. Getting a Tan 晒晒黑

    35. Getting a Tan 晒晒黑 A: What have you got there? B: It's my sun lamp. I'm taking it down to the electric shop to be fixed. There's somet...

  • 36. Intermission 剧间休息

    36. Intermission 剧间休息 A: You were certainly lucky to get tickets for this play. We had to have our reservations in weeks ago. B: Tom picked them up t...

  • 37. Planning a Vacation 准备度假

    37. Planning a Vacation 准备度假 A: I weet to the travel agency today and picked up these folders on Japan, Normandy, and Quebec. B: For this summer? Hav...

  • 38. What are You Doing This Summer? 今年夏天你准备干什么?

    38. What are You Doing This Summer? 今年夏天你准备干什么 A: What's you going to do this summer? B: I thought for a while I'd go to one of the summer sch...

  • 39. Deciding to Go to the Movies 决定去看电影

    39. Deciding to Go to the Movies 决定去看电影 A: Let's go to a show tonight. B: All right. Look in the movie section of the paper and see what's pl...

  • 40. Going Walking 去散步

    40. Going Walking 去散步 A: Yesterday my landlady seemed surprised when I told her I went for a walk every day. I think she didn't believe me. B: Oh...

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