

  • 情景对话11:天气

    11).The weather 天气 A very common way to start a conversation is to talk about the weather. When you're traveling, remember that there is consider...

  • 情景对话12:换零钱

    12).Asking for Change 换零钱 It is sometimes difficult toget change without buying something, so it's a good idea to carry change with you at all ti...

  • 情景对话13:打电话(1)

    13).Making a Telephone Call 打电话(1) The telephone system in the United States, as in many other countries, has a special number for each region of the...

  • 情景对话14:打电话(2)

    14).Making a Telephone Call 打电话(2) When using a public telephone, be sure to read the directions carefully before dialing. 1.A:Hello. Can I speak to ...

  • 情景对话15:问路

    15).Asking for Directions 问路 People are usually helpful when you ask for directions. You should try to have the exact address and be as specific as p...

  • 情景对话16:预约

    16).Making an Appointment 预约 It is usually necessary to make an appointment with a doctor, dentist or lawyer. You should call as far in advance as po...

  • 情景对话17:在公共汽车上

    17).On a Bus 在公共汽车上 In cities, buses have letters or numbers indicating their routes. Usually the exact fare is required because you can't get ch...

  • 情景对话18:乘出租汽车

    18).Taking a Texi 乘出租汽车 Taxi fares vary from city to city. In some cities, taxis have meters that tell you the fare. For long rides, it is a good ide...

  • 情景对话19:在火车站

    19).At a Railroad Station 在火车站 Long-distance travel by train is not as common in the United Stated as it many other parts of the world. Most train tr...

  • 情景对话20:纽约市的地铁

    20).The New York City Subway 纽约市的地铁 There are subway systems in several cities in the US. New York City has an extensive and rather complicated rapid...

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