KELLY: Yes, I would like to place an order.DORIS: Alright, Ma'am. What items would you like to order today?KELLY: I have your catalog here.Do you ...
艾佛尔发了财,创办自己的公司大展拳脚。一天他接到客户电话,挂线后对其助理说:Let's hit the road。嗯?hit the road? 八丈金刚摸不着头脑,这话什么意思?To hit可解作打”,而road是路:路”怎么可以打”呢?汉语中打&rdq...
Showing Samples必备表达Key Expressions Let me show you some samples of various qualities. 让我拿些样品给您看看。 Would you please look at these samoles? 请看看这些样品好吗?...
Determining What the Customer Wants to Buy必备表达 Key ExpressionsDo you want me to show you anything? 要我拿点什么给您看看吗?Can I get you anything? 要在这里买点什么呢?Do yo...
Approaching the Customer必备表达 Key Expressions Good morning,sir.Can I help you? 早上好,先生。要买东西吗? Good afternoon,madam.May I help you ? 下午好,夫人。能为您效劳吗? Goo...
购物是mm们的一大乐事,杀价更是见各位真功夫的时候。在国内讲价好讲,出国购物该怎么讲价?下面就给各位一些tips。 1. Could you give me a discount? 能给我个折扣吗? 2. Are these clothes on sale? 这些衣服打特价吗? 3. Is the ...
1. I'm just browsing. 我只是随便看看。 在美国逛街买衣服,I'm just browsing.” 和 I'm just looking.” 这两句一定要先学会。因为一般当你走进一家店时,小姐们通常都会走过来亲切地和你打招呼,问你 ...
棒球有美国国球”之称。或许,一本棒球百科全书”比一本简单的字典更能反映美国文化。据《迪克逊新棒球词典》(Paul Dickson所著)记载,俚语have on the ball”源于棒球运动,指的是某人有一手,做某事很在行”。 Have on the ...
1. The price will go down. 价钱会降低的。 个人经验 go down 跟 go up 这两个片语很好用。当你不知道用什么动词来表示increase 和 decrease的意思时,用 goes up/ down 就可以。像是有一次我去买汽车保险,我一直想问他如果我一年当中都没...