Bern (Swiss) As the Swiss capital, Bern is an important city of diplomats and the site of many international organizations and meetings. It's one ...
Singapore (Singapore)The Cavenaugh Bridge is a must-see for visitor, especially newlyweds.According to Malay legend(马来传说), a Sumatran (苏门答腊人)prince en...
Seoul (Republic of Korea)A pavilion in the grounds of the Kyongbuk-kung Palace, Seoul, South Korea. The palace remained the royal residence for around...
Kabul (Afghan)Kabul, city in east central Afghanistan, capital of the country and Kabul Province. Kabul is on the Kabul River, situated at an elevatio...
Sapporo (Japan)In June 2001, Sapporo Dome, nicknamed "HIROBA" - a venue of the 2002 FIFA World Cup - was completed in Hitsujigaoka on the ou...
Kobe (Japan)Kobe port viewKobe - home of one of the world's leading international trading ports - is a truly inviting city, noted for its beauty a...
Tokyo (Japan)Cherry blossoms signal the beginning of spring.The sheer level of energy is the most striking aspect of Japan's capital city. While i...
Bangkok (Thailand)It's worth putting up with the traffic jams, pollution, annual floods and sticky weather to experience one of Asia's most ex...
Bali (Indonesia)National TempleBali is so picturesque(图画般的美丽) that you could be fooled into thinking it was a painted backdrop(背景幕): rice paddies(稻田,水...
Jerusalem El Asqua Mosque and the Dome of the RockJerusalem is arguably the world's most revered city. It's the city of King David (1,000 B.C....