Copenhagen (Denmark)StrogetCopenhagen has been the capital of Denmark for 600 years and is also the largest city in Scandinavia, but it hasn't let...
Budapest (Hungary)There is more to Budapest than fish soup, paprika (辣椒粉)and Zsa Zsa Gabor. With its multifarious (繁杂的)history, incredible architectur...
Istanbul (Turkey) The famous Blue Mosque at duskKnown in previous incarnations (作为化身、代表)as Byzantium (拜占庭)and Constantinople (君士坦丁堡), the ancient city...
Madrid (Spain)Palacio Real (Royal Palace)Madrid may not have the Roman origins that get city historians hot and bothered, and it may be a comparative ...
Geneva (Switzerland) Promenade de Saint-Antoine (It takes its name from a chapel consecrated to Saint Anthony that once stood against the gate of the ...
Paris (France)Arc de TriompheThe discovery of the City of Light and the experience of making it your own is and always has been the most compelling re...
Greenland(Where Santa Claus comes) Santa is from Greenland, according to an edict from the 40th annual Father Christmas World Congress.Ice and snowGre...
Warsaw (Poland)Don't be disheartened(沮丧)when you arrive in Warsaw and you discover it is not an Eastern European paradise. The city is really a bi...
Brussels (Belgium) There's much more to Brussels than beer, chocolate and chips. Brussels is a stylish city where business-suited Eurocrats(欧洲共同市场...
Rome (Italy) There's no escaping it: Rome means history. There are layers of the stuff - Etruscan(伊特鲁里亚的) tombs, Republican meeting rooms, Imperia...