
28. At the post Office 在邮局

分类: 实用英语 
28. At the post office 去邮局            A: I want to send this package by first class mail.            B: Do you want it insured?            A: Yes, for fifty dollars, please. I'd also like some stamps-a book             of twenty two and three airmail's.            B: You'll have to get those at the stamp window over there, next to             general delivery.            A: Can I get money orders there, too?            B: No, that's to the left, three windows down the hall.            Notes            First class mail 第一类邮件(美国邮件按投递速度分为若干类。第一类最快,邮资也最贵)            Insure (对所寄包裹)保险(相当于我国的保价邮件)            A book of 通常指10张…面额的邮票            Money order 汇款单            A:我想用第一类邮件寄这个包裹。            B:要保险吗?            A:是的,请按五十元保险。我还想买些邮票---十张两角两分的和三张航空信邮票。            B:你要到那边的邮票窗口去买,邮件待领窗口隔壁。            A:在那儿我也能要汇款单吗?            B:不,那在左面,沿大厅过去三个窗口

