
Using money wisely at school慎重花钱

分类: 实用英语 


Gloria complains to Simon that she is spending money too fast. Simon offers her advice on[1] how to use money wisely.

A: Simon, can you lend me 20 yuan? I'll return it to you early next month.
B: Run out of[2] money again? How much money do your parents give you each month, if I may ask?

A: 300 yuan.
B: 300 yuan? That's 100 yuan more than what I get from my parents. How can you get into financial problems[4] so quickly?
A: I don't know. I haven't bought anything particularly expensive. I thought it was because my parents gave me too little.
B: Of course not. You see, with 200 yuan I do just fine[5]. The trick is to[6] make a good plan first. Buy things only when they are in your plan.
A: Ok, that sounds reasonable. From now on[7], I'll try to learn from you.




A: 西蒙,能借我二十块钱吗?我在下月初还你。
B: 钱又用完了?你父母每月给你多少钱,如果你不介意我问的话?
A: 三百块钱。
B: 三百块?比我从我爸妈那儿拿的多一百呢。你怎么这么快就陷入了财政问题啊?
A: 我也不知道是怎么回事。我没有买什么特别贵的东西啊。我还想是我爸妈给我的太少了呢。
B: 当然不是。你看,用两百块钱,我也过得不错。诀窍是首先要有一个好的计划。只买你计划中要买的东西。
A: 好,这听起来挺有道理的。从今以后,我努力向你学习.

