
trying to find my feet 努力适应新环境

分类: 实用英语 

很多人身处陌生的环境,例如移民他乡或新的工作,便会感到浑身不安。 I’m trying to find my feet. 一语直译是“我正在寻找我的双脚”,其真正含意是“我正在努力适应新环境”,也可以有其它类似说法:I’m trying to orientate myself. (我引导自己朝向正确方向) / I’m trying to settle in.(我尝试安定下来) / I’m learning the ropes. (我正在学习新事物) 。

对 话

Gordon: US 8, UK 42. Ferrare Cavallo. Heel…(Lying on couch & examining a pair of shoes)

戈登: 美国码8号、英国码42号、意大利真皮、鞋后跟…(躺在沙发并反复观看一双皮鞋)

Katherine: Hurry up! You’ll be late for work. What are you doing?

凯思莲: 快点!你快迟到了,你在干什么?

Gordon: I’m a little bit worried about my new job. I’m trying to find my feet.

戈登: 我只是有点担心新工作,我正尝试适应新环境。

Katherine: That’s the trouble then you deserve the boot.

凯思莲: 问题就是这里,你该被解雇。

Gordon: Why ?

戈登: 为什么?

Katherine: You work in a shoe shop and if you don’t even know where your feet are, then there’s no future for you there. Now get a move on before I put my foot in your…

凯思莲: 你在鞋店工作,但居然不知自己脚踏何地。呆在这里是没有前途的,你再不动身,我就把脚塞进你的…

Gordon: Alright, alright, I’m leaving.

戈登: 好的,好的,我马上出门。

[多学一点点] 脚的成语

戈登在鞋店找到工作,却懒洋洋躺在沙发上不上班,拿着鞋反复观看,说I’m trying to find my feet;凯思莲对他说:You deserve the boot. Now get a move on before I put my foot in your...。

Your 之后应是mouth一字。To put one’s foot in one’s mouth是成语,意思是“说了不得体的话”或“不自觉的说了令人难堪、不满的话”,例如:You put your foot in your mouth when you said to him that homosexuals were “perverted animals”. He is gay(你不应该跟他说同性恋者是“变态动物”。他有断袖之癖)。凯思莲那一句,当然不是指说错了话,只是套用和脚有关的成语警告戈登:“你再不动身,我就把脚塞进你嘴巴里!”

You deserve the boot直译是“你应得到长靴”。成语to get the boot是“被炒鱿鱼”或“被驱逐”,to give someone the boot则是“炒人鱿鱼”或“把人驱逐”,例如:(1) The boss has given him the boot for his rudeness to customers(老板见他对顾客无礼,就炒他鱿鱼)。(2) If you are not decently dressed, you may get the boot(假如你衣着不得体,可能会被逐离出场)。

最后说to find one’s feet。“找到自己双脚”本来是指婴儿学会独立走路,引申解作“能够独立处事”或“习惯新环境”,例如:Our boy gradually found his feet at the kindergarten(我们的儿子渐渐习惯幼儿园的环境)。To stand on one’s own (two) feet则等于独立:To stand on my own feet, I must get a job即“要独立,我必须先找到工作”。

