

分类: 实用英语 

他多才多艺 He's versatile.

她是个很能干的人 She's a real go-getter.(指能干的人)

她口才很好 She's eloquent

她是个博览群书的人 She is a well-read girl

John 是个书虫 John is a bookworm

他为人正派 He flies right

他是个好人 He is a good guy

他容易相处 He is eary to get along with

他助人为乐 He is always ready to help others

他很有事业心 She is enterprising

他富于创新精神 He is creative

他是个有责任心的人 He is responsible man

他很内向 He is very reserved.

她很细心 She is thoughtful

他很有主见 He knows his own mind

她很喜欢出风头 She likes to show off

她是个马屁精 She is a bootlicker

他经常说别人坏话 He often speaks ill of others

他爱吹牛 He likes to brag

她净说好话 She is a smooth talker

你有胆量 You have a lot of guts

她身材很好 She has a good figure

她是个长舌妇 She is a gossip

他是个败家子 He is a black sheep

他是个老顽固 he is a stubborn

他很好色 He is fresh

他骄傲自大 He is stuck-up

他很狡诈 He is as sly as a fox

他很令人讨厌 He is very offensive

他头脑简单 He is simple-minded

他爱摆架子 He is acting big

他难以捉摸 He is vague

