
有朋自远方来 练两手英语准备好接待人家吧

分类: 实用英语 

1. Make yourself at home.

Alternative sentence: "My house is your house."Both sentences are very warm ways of welcoming a guest.

请随意,把这儿当成自己的家吧! "Make yourself at home"和"My house is your house.”同样的意思,两句话都是对客人非常热情的招呼。

2. Can I get you something to drink?

It's polite to offer someone a drink if they are coming to your home or office. Can I get you something to drink?


3. Would you like something to eat?

Depending on the situation, you might also ask your guest if they want something to eat.If they will be staying for a longer period of time, you should probably offer them something to eat.

根据不同情况,“Would you like something to eat?"你可以用来问你的客人是否想吃点什么东西。如果他们在你家里呆很长时间,你应该给他们拿点儿吃的东西。

4. When did you first come to China?

This is a good question to ask a foreign guest.Hopefully it will help to start an interesting conversation.

问一问老外"When did you first come to China?",这是一个非常好的问题。可以帮助你们开始一段非常有趣的谈话。

5. What do you think of Beijing?

This is a great way to ask someone what they think of any particular place. After asking this, you can follow up with other questions.Do they like it?Are they used to it?Do they miss their family?

"What do you think of..."非常适合用来问别人觉得某个地方怎么样。问完这个问题,你可以接着问其他问题。他们喜欢那里吗,习惯了吗,思念家人吗?

6. So do you have any plans for your stay here?

You might be interested in why your foreign friend has come to China and what they plan to do while they're here.Most foreigners come either for work or for travel, and sometimes for both.

"So, do you have any special plans while you're here."


