

分类: 实用英语 

The mouth of a wise man is in his heart; the heart of a fool is in his mouth.聪明人的嘴在心里,蠢人的心在嘴上.

The nearer the bone the sweeter the flesh.骨肉越亲,恩情越深.

The nearer to church, the farther from God.近庙欺神.

The old goose plays not with foxes.老鹅不和狐狸一起玩.

The older the goose the harder to pluck.越老越狡猾.

The only cure for grief is action.行动是对悲痛唯一的治疗.

The only secret a woman can keep is that of her age.女人能保守的唯一秘密是她的年龄.

The only way to have a friend is to be one.交友的唯一方法是自己必须够朋友。

The outsideer sees the best (or most) of the game.旁观者清.

The outsider sees the most of the game.旁观者清。

The pain of the mind is worse than the pain of the body.心头的痛苦比肉体的痛苦更厉害.

The past is for wisdom, the present for action, but for joy the future.过去是为了求取知识,现在是为了付诸行动,而未来是为了享受欢乐.

The path down to evil is easy.堕入罪恶的道路是容易走的.

The path of duty is the path of safety.尽职的路是安全的路.

The path to glory is always rugged.通向光荣的道路常常是坎坷不平的.

The peacock has fair feathers, but foul feet.孔雀虽有华羽,但有贱足.

The pen is mightier than the sword.文能胜武.

The pen is the tougue of the mind.笔是心之舌.

The poor are rich when they are satisfied.贫能知足即为富.

The poor man wants much, the miser everything.贫穷人要求多,守财奴样样要.

The pot calls the kettle black.五十步笑百步.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating.空谈不如实验.

The raceis got by running.赛跑要靠奔跑来赢得.

The receiver is as bad as the thief.窝赃者和贼同罪.

The remedy for injuries is not to remember them.医治创伤的药方就是忘却创伤.

The remedy is worse than the disease.医疗不得法,使病更糟糕.

