

分类: 实用英语 

Proverbs are the cream of a nation's thought.谚语是一国的思想精华.

Proverbs are the daughters of daily experience.谚语是日常经验的结晶。

Proverbs are the wisdom of the ages.谚语是时代的智慧.

Provide for the worst, the best will save itself.作最坏的准备,可以得到最好的结果.

Providence is always on the side of the strongest battalions.天公总是佑强者.

Pull the chestnut out of fire.火中取栗。

Punctuality is the soul of business.严守时间是办事情的重要原则.

Purpose supposes foresight.深谋远虑.

Put (or Lay or Set) one's shoulder to the wheel.出一把力.

Put not your hand between the bark and the tree.少管闲事.

"Put that in your pipe and smoke it.


Put the cart before the horse.本末倒置.

Put the shoe on the right foot.责备应受责备者,表扬应受表扬者.

Put your shoulder to the wheel.鼎力相助。

Putting the cart before the horse.本未倒置.

Quality is better than quantity.质重于量.

Quality matters more than quantity.质比量重要。

Quarrels of lovers but renew their love.情人争争吵吵,自会言归于好.

Quick at meal, quick at work.吃得快,做得快.

Quick feet and busy hands fill the mouth.手勤脚快,嘴里吃饱.

Quietness is best.宁静最好.

Quietude is the crown of life.安静是生命的皇冠.

Rain before seven; fine before eleven.雨过天晴.

Rain comes after sunshine, and after a dark cloud, a clear sky.晴日之后有雨水,乌云过去见青天.

Rats leave (or desert or forsake) a sinking ship.船沈鼠先窜.

