
Three word expressions生活常用的三字短语2

分类: 实用英语 

16、trial and error = to do something new by making experiments and occasionally falling 反复试验

The new computer system has been installed. But it's a bit trial and error at the moment - nobody really knows how to use it.

17、flesh and blood = your family 家人

I have to help him if I can - he's my flesh and blood.

18、down and out = someone who has no money at all who has to live on the street (贫困的,贫病交迫的)

There are too many young down and outs in London.

19、by and large = generally (大体上,总的说来,一般的说)

By and large, our customers prefer good service to low prices.

20、bring and buy = a fair where people try to raise money for a cause by bringing something that other people might want to buy (慈善救济性自由集市)

I'm making a cake for the school's bring and buy next week.

21、hide and seek = a children's game where one child hides and the others try to find him / her (捉迷藏)

Someone's been playing hide and seek with the TV remote control again.

22、to and fro = another way of saying " back and forth " (往返地,来回地)

I'm exhausted - I've been going to and fro all week!

23、over and out = something you say to show you have come to the end of your message (通话完毕)

The last thing they heard from the pilot was 'over and out'.

24、done and dusted = properly finished (完毕,了结)

Well, that's this project done and dusted. We need a holiday now.

25、wine and dine = to entertain someone lavishly (以好酒好菜款待客人)

He's well-known for winning and dining his business partners.

26、bread and butter = your main source of income, or the most important issue (维持生活所需的)

Health and education are the bread and butter issues facing the UK government.

27、spick and span = ( of a room, house, etc.) completely clean and tidy again (房间、屋子等打扫得干干净净的;整洁的)

Her house is spick and span at all times

28、wheel and deal = to make deals in a skillful and perhaps dishonest way when buying and selling things (讨价还价,玩弄手段,投机取巧)

If you need a new car, try speaking to John. He's a bit of a wheeler and dealer.

