
没有钱的日子寸步难行 如果突然间暴富起来

分类: 实用英语 

没有钱的日子寸步难行,所以人们总是梦想着有一天能够突然间获得很多钱,许多电视剧或电影就常常以一个穷光蛋突然间获得一笔巨大的财富而展开情节。在英文中,突然间获得很多钱的说法有许多,最简单的是:be in the money,先看看下面这句话是怎么说的:

Historically, Many plays referred to a poor young man who always had a dream to be in the money, and then, the dream came true and he tried his best to dangle after a beautiful woman. It has become an old theme now.


这里片语be in the money的意思是“暴富,富裕”。当人们突然间有了一大笔钱,或者获得一笔没有意想到的额外金钱时,常用这个片语,用英文解释就是to have a lot of money suddenly, or when you did not expect to. 让我们再看一个例子:

If you are in the money, what will be the first thing that you mostly want to do? Buying an expensive car or a grand villa?


下面我们向大家介绍一个容易与上面这个片语意思相混的片语:be right on the money.它的意思是“完全正确,非常正确”。有时这个right可以去掉,直接用“be on the money.”if you indicate that something is right on the money. You just tell other people that something is completely correct or right. Fox example:

I got the news yesterday that I had passed CET6 test. Your guide is right on the money; the questions you explained were tested as a whole.



What he explained about how to launch the first manned spaceship was right on the money.


结束语:如果我有天真的突然间获得了很多钱(be in the money),在如何花费上我想我的决定必须是完全正确的 (be right on the money)。比如捐一些钱到穷困的小学,资助一些虽考上大学但无法支付昂贵学费的学生等等。

