
take someone's breath away激动得说不出话

分类: 实用英语 

片语To one’s surprise 常被人们用来表示“使某人惊讶的是…”,在新概念英语教程中就多次使用了这个片语。今天我们要学习另一个表达惊讶、惊喜、激动程度的片语:take someone’s breath away. 先看下面的例句:

When the man saw that girl for the first time, her beauty took his breath away.


片语take someone’s breath away从字面上看,其意义是“带走了某人的呼吸”。如果人们的呼吸被带走了,说明他们已经无法呼吸,说不出话来了,所以这个片语常用来表示“使某人非常惊讶,感动得说不出话来”。它使用非常广泛,尤其用来表达当人们看到美丽的景色或漂亮的女孩时非常惊讶,心中充满赞叹,因惊喜而说不出话来的情形。To take someone’s breath away means something is so extremely beautiful or exciting that people can’t say a word. For example:

After climbing the mountain, standing on the top of it, we felt that the view took our breath away.


breath最常见的意思是“呼吸”,由此“基本意思”也引申出了其他意义:生命、活力、期望等。在片语don’t hold one’s breath中,breath的意思就是“期望”,整个片语的意思是:别太殷切期望。如:

The boss might give you a promotion, but don’t hold your breath.


hold one’s breath常用来指“短暂的屏住呼吸”,但在片语don’t hold one’s breath中,它的意思却是“怀抱希望”,在前面加上否定形式don’t, 意思就是“别太抱希望、别太殷切期望”。这个片语在口语中尤其常见。The idiom is used to say that something is not going to happen soon. For example:

You don’t study hard, but you want to become a graduate student. Don’t hold your breath is the only word I can tell you.


结束语:听说那位女歌星要随文化下乡慰问团到我们边远山区演出,我们起初并不殷切期望(don’t hole one’s breath),但演出那天,她的闪亮登场让我们大为惊喜,许多人激动得说不出话来(take their breath away)。

