

分类: 实用英语 
花花公子型(the playboy)"花花公子"(the playboy),往往是女孩子梦寐以求的“白马王子”(prince charming),他是多么的可爱、迷人、温柔和体贴(cute,charming,tender,and considerate),难怪你醒着的每一分钟都在想他(No wonder you spend your every walking minute thinking about him.)。但是这种男人的择偶心态永远是开放的(to always keep his option open),无论你多么希望最后能抓住他心的人是你(No matter how much you hope to be the one who finally captures his heart),但在他的字典里不存在“安定”这个词。(The words"settle down"are not in his vocabulary.)所以试着对他说“No”吧,而且要大声说(to say it loudly),不让自己反悔。游手好闲型 the slacker与“游手好闲型”(the slacker)的男人刚认识的时候,一切都是很美好的(The very beginning of your relationship with him is great.)。但认识久了,发现这种男人时间多的是,你们可以去shopping,去see a film,去吃pizza,他却总缺钱,每天吊儿郎当的。最终你会受不了他的(Eventually you still can't bear him.)。知道吗?并不是他不爱你!只是对他而言,没有什么事值得他花大力气的(It's just that for him nothing's worth all that energy.)。善于用人型 the user“善于用人型”的男人(the user)认识了你,约你出去只是想从你那儿捞点什么好处(He makes a date with you only for what he can get.),可能你有一位美丽的闺中密友(a beautiful close friend),可能你爸妈管理着一家电影院,而你的朋友可以免费入场(All your friends can go free!),然后你发现你只见过他两三次,他却看了几十次免费电影。或者有一天你发现他与你的闺中密友手牵手(hand in hand)看电影。小心!这种人只是在利用你。应该尽快摆脱他!(get rid of him!)情场骗子型 the cheat假如你的男友暗地里(on the sly)金屋藏娇,他就是情场骗子(the cheat)。你告诉他,他是个头号大笨蛋(a big-time fool),然后甩了他(to dump him),如果他告诉你他真得很对不起你,那么他当初为什么如此做呢?(If he said he's very sorry for you,why did he do it then?)看他最后一眼,给他一个甜美的微笑,对他说,"See ya!",然后,the end......话不投机型 the guy you can't talk to“话不投机型”的男人(the guy you can't talk to)是看不出他有什么地方不好的(It's hard to see what's wrong with him.),表面上每件事看起来都很好(On the surface everything looks hunky-dory.),就是无法跟他谈一些重要的事(But somehow you just can't talk to him about some important stuff.)。你跟他在一起时,你不再是自己(You're not yourself anymore when you're with him.)。你真得很喜欢他,而他也没做错什么事。问题是,这种男人可能连真正的你是什么样子都不晓得!(The problem is that this kind of man may even have no clue about who you really are!)论坛上的各位mm,请按上文对照你的男友,如果他不在此列,那你真得很幸哦!论坛上的各位gg,也请修身养性,千万不要沦落为上述的五种男人哟!

