
Planning for the day 一天规划

分类: 实用英语 


Gary and Ada are talking over breakfast about what they are going to do that day.

A: Dear, I have to go to the office early today. Can you take Sally to school?
B: Sure. Want me to give you a ride?
A: No, forget it[1]. I'll just take the subway.It's very quick.I'll pick Sally up this afternoon.You can just come home after work.
B: Ok. Oh, I almost forgot. I probably won't be back for supper. I've made an evening appointment[2] with Mr. Steven to talk about our next project.
A: Oh, I see. I've gotta run.[3] Hurry Sally up a little. She hasn't even had her breakfast yet.
B: Ok. Don't worry. Love you, honey.
A: I love you, too. See you this evening.




A: 亲爱的,我今天需要早去办公室。你能送萨莉上学吗?
B: 当然。要我载你一程吗?
A: 不用了。我就坐地铁吧。挺快的。我下午会去接萨莉的。你下班后直接回家吧。
B: 好吧。噢,我差点忘了。我可能不会回来吃晚饭了。我约好和史蒂文先生晚上见面谈我们的下一个项目。
A: 哦,我知道了。我该走了。催催萨莉。她还没吃早饭呢。
B: 好的。别担心。我爱你,亲爱的。
A: 我也爱你。晚上见。

