

分类: 实用英语 

Dialogue A

    (A:Operator B:Lin Ping)

    A:Operator.How can I help you?

    B:Yes.The connection was bad.There was a lot of echo and Icouldn't hear well,will you put me through again?

    A:I'm awfully sorry for the trouble.I'll connect you again.

    (A few minutes later)

    B:Operator.I've just been disconnected from a number.Couldyou…

    A:I'm sorry,sir.Could you speak a little louder,please?There'sa bad connection.

    B:Yes.I've just been disconnected from a number,and nowthere's no answer.Could you tell me if there's somethingwrong with my phone?

    A:What number were you speaking to,sir?来源:考试大


    A:Oh,2743-1120.I doubt if it's your phone.We've being a lot oftrouble in that area todny.There may be a fault on line.

    B:Oh,I see.

    A:I'll tell our engineers about it.Please tell me your name andnumber,I'll call you back soon.

    B:My name's Lin Ping and my number's 3512-6762.

    (About ten minutes later)

    A:(ringing)Hello,is that 3512-6762?

    B:Yes,it is.

    A:Mr.Lin.We've checked that line,there was a mini fault on it.

    The number's ringing for you now.It should be all right thistime.

    B:Thank you very much.

    Dialogue B

    (A:Tom B:Sue)

    A:Hello,Sue.It's Tom.


    A:I've been trying to get hold of you forever.

    B:Really?I've being stayed at home all day long.

    A:But your line is always busy.

    B:Oh.May be the receiver is off the hook.

    A: I see.I'm calling to invite you to dinner tonight.

    B:What?I can barely hear what you are saying.

    A:I'm calling to invite you to dinner tonight.

    B:The connection is too bad.We must have gotten our linescrossed.

    A:Why don't we hang up and try again.

    B:Good idea.


    A:Hello,It's me,again.

    B:Oh,Tom.You said a dinner,tonight?


    B:I can't tonight,mother has a cold,I must stay at home andlook after her.But I'd love to some other night.

    A:Oh,what's a pity!You'd better set up an appointment to seea doctor as soon as possible.

    B:Yes.Thank you.

    A:I'll call you back later,Bye-bye.


    Dialogue C

    (A:Operator B:Li Ming)

    A:Hello.How can I help you?

    B:Hello.Look,I think my phone is out of order.

    A:What seems to be the problem?

    B:I've been trying to get through to a number for the past fifteenminutes,but I keep getting a funny noise.

    A:Are you sure it's the right number,sir?

    B:Yes,I've checked in the telephone book.Are the lines over-loaded?

    A:What kind of sound is it making?

    B:A continuous beeping sound.And I can't get a proper dialingtone.I'm calling from another line.

    A:You may have a fault on your line.I'll report it to the engi-neers.

    B:Thank you very much for your help.

    A:Don't mention it.Bye-bye.


    Words and Expressions

    connection     n.连接;联系;关系

    echo     n.回首;回声;反响

    awfully     ad.异常,非常

    doubt     n.怀疑,疑问,疑惑

    fault     n.缺点,毛病

    engineer     vt.设计;建造


    check     n.支票;账单;核对

    mini     a.微小的

    forever     ad.永远,总是

    hook    n.钩,钩状物

    barely     ad.勉强,几乎没有

    cross     n.交叉

    look after 照顾

    pity     v./n.怜悯,惋惜

    setup 创立,建立

    appointment    n.约会;任命;选派

    as soonas 一……就

    funny     a.滑稽的,可笑的

    overload     v.超负荷

    continuous     a.连续的,继续的

    mention    vt.说到,谈到

