

分类: 实用英语 

Alexandra: You ready for the next problem?

    Robbie: You know what? I can't look at another number. How about a lemonade break?

    Alexandra: Sure.

    Robbie: Oh, by he way, when is your plane reservation for your flight to Athens?

    Alexandra: Sunday. Why?

    Robbie: Would you be able to come over Saturday night?

    Alexandra: Yes. I should be finished packing by then.

    Robbie: My folks are giving me a little graduation party.

    Alexandra: Terrific!

    Robbie: I'll pick you up.

    Alexandra: That isn't necessary.

    Robbie: My dad's letting me borow the car.

    Alexandra: Oh, well, that would be very nice.

    Robbie: About eight 0'clock?

    Alexandra: Eight 0'clock is fine.

    Robbie: Great! It's a date.

    Alexandra: Who's going to be there?

    Robbie: Just my friend Mike and a few kids from school.

    Alexandra: I'm going to miss all of you. You've been like a second family to me.

    Robbie: We're going to miss you.

    Alexandra: Maybe you could come to visit me in Greece?

    Robbie: I'm counting on it.

    Alexandra: Wonderful! Are you excited about graduating from high school?

    Robbie: Sure……and a little scared.

    Alexandra: Scared? Why?

    Robbie: Aren't you a little scared?

    Alexandra: I was when I first came to the United States. I'd never been away from home, and I didn't know what it would be like. But then I found out that people are the same everywhere once you get to know them.

    Robbie: I'm glad I got to know you.

    Alexandra: Thatnk you. I'm glad I got to know You-and your family.

    Robbie: Wouldn't it be nice if we could skip the examinations and get right to the graduation party?

    Alexandra: It would be very nice. But that isn't the way it works. So……back to work.

    Alexandra: Good night, Robbie. Good night, Mrs.Stewart. Thank you for dinner.

    Ellen: Good night, Alexandra.Will you be all right?

    Alexandra: Yes.The Molinas are waiting for me.

    Robbie: Good night, Alexandra. I'll pick you up on Saturday night, OK?

    Alexandra: Yes. Eight 0'clock.

    Alexandra: I have to run.

    Allen: Good night, Robbie. She's really a good friend, isn't she?

    Robbie: Yeah.

    Ellen: You are going to miss her.

    Robbie: Am I going to miss her?

    Ellen: That's what I said! You are going to miss her!

    Robbie: I'm going to miss her, and my math teacher's going to miss her.

    Ellen: Well, you can write to her.

    Robbie: It's not the same.

    Mike: How does that look, Rob?

    Robbie: Great! Pass me the hammer.

    Mike: You got it!

    Sandra: You're sure Alexandra's going to be surprised?

    Robbie: Absolutely. She has no idea that the party is in her honor.

    Mike: Millie, did you bring the papes for dancing?

    Millie: They're in my bag.

    Mike: What did you bring?

    Millie: Some rock 'n' roll.

    Robbie: Perfect! Alexandra will love it! I can't wait to see her face when she walks in here tonight.

    Mike: What about the cake?

    Robbie: My mom's decorating it right now.

    Ellen: Robbie, there's a phone call for you. It's Alexandra. She sounds upset.

    Robbie: OK. Thanks, Mom. I'll take it in there. Hi, Alexandra. What? You what? Oh no!

