

分类: 实用英语 

Harry: There's a conversation we have to finish.

    Susan: What was it about?

    Harry: It was about caring.

    Susan: Oh?

    Harry: Yes, caring. I said that it makes me feel good that you care about Michelle.

    Susan: Well, I do care about Michelle.

    Harry: And it makes me feel good that you care about me.

    Susan: You know I do. You're a……wonderful friend.

    Harry: And it makes me feel good that you care about us.

    Susan: Well……well, I do, Harry. It's only natural that if I care about Michelle and I care about you, then I care about us.

    Harry: It's OK, Susan. We had this part of the conversation before Michelle and her friends arrived. Now comes the good part.

    Susan: Like what?

    Harry: Well, assume that if you care about Michelle and you care about me and you care abut us, that we can talk about us. I mean-you and me. Isn't that right?

    Susan: What are you trying to say, Harry?

    Harry: What I'm trying to say……since this is so easy ……Here are ten letters that express my feelings for you.

    Susan: Don't be silly, Harry.

    Harry: You want a hint? It's two words.

    Susan: You're making the game harder.

    Harry: Can't you figure it out? Seven letters…… two words……that express the feeling that I feel for you in my heart.

    Susan: Harry, I get it!

    Harry: Well? Does that mean you'll marry me?

    Susan: Is that a proposal, or are we just playing a game?

    Harry: Sit down, Susan. There's something I have to ask you. Susan, will you marry me?

    Susan: It's such an important decision .There's so many things to talk about. There are three things that have to be done first, Harry.

    Harry: Three things?

    Susan: First, we have to decide where to live.

    Harry: Well, that's easy. We talked about that earlier. We'll live in New York.

    Susan: All right. Second, we have to talk to Michelle together about being married.

    Harry: We'll do that immediately. What' the third thing?

    Susan: You have to ask for my father's permission.

    Harry: Absolutely! But first things first. We have to go pick up Michelle.

    Susan: Oh, I'm so happy, Harry!

    Harry: Not as happy as I am.

    Marilyn: What's this for?

    Richard: Just because. How's the baby?

    Marilyn: Fast asleep.

    Richard: I'm sorry I missed him. I had to work late.

    Marilyn: What are the flowers for, Richard?

    Richard: Five years of happiness. Happy anniversary.

    Marilyn: But our anniversary isn't until Saturday.

    Richard: I couldn't wait. Besides, we are not going to be here Saturday.

    Marilyn: We're not?

    Richard; Uh-uh.

    Marilyn: Where are we going to be?

    Richard: If you had your choice of all the places in the world, where would you choose to spend our anniversary?

    Marilyn: The Watermill Inn. I loved that place when we went on our honeymoon.

    Richard: Perfect! You picked the right place.

    Marilyn: I don't understand.

    Richard: You and I, Mrs. Stewart, are going to spend a second honeymoon at the Watermill Inn.

    Marilyn: Oh, Richard! That's wonderful, bu-

    Richard: No buts.

    Marilyn: Absolutely not. The world's greatest grandmother, Mrs. Ellen Stewart, has agreed to take care of him for the weekend.

    Marilyn: Richard, isn't that too much to ask of your mother?

    Richard: Too much? She loves taking care of Max.

    Marilyn: But…… I'll miss him.

    Richard: Well, we'll phone every hour, and you can listen o him over the phone. Come on. Mar. It's time you and I had a romantic weekend alone together. We've earned it. What do you say?

    Marilyn: It does sound tempting. You're right. We're earned it.

    Richard: Great! I'll make a reservation right now. Remember that wonderful little balcony where we had our meals……with a view of the Hudson River?

    Marilyn: How could I forget?

    Richard: Hello. Is Mrs. Montefiore there? Ah. She's out. Yes. This is Richard Stewart. My wife and I spent our honeymoon at the inn. No, we didn't leave anything in the room. It was five years ago. We'd like to make a reservation for this weekend. Yes, a double room, please. What? Are you sure? But……OK. Nothing available. Wait! Don't hang up! Can you recommend someplace nice-someplace nearby? Uh-hold it. Old country Inn? Right. And the phone number? 555-2420. Thank you. He says there's another inn just half a mile down the road from the Watermill. It won't be the same, But what do you say?

    Marilyn: Well……

    Richard: My mom is available to baby-sit this weekend.

    Marilyn: Well, OK. See if they have a room.

    Richard: Right!

    Richard: Hello. Is this the Old Country Inn? Yes. This is Richard Stewart. The desk clerk at the Watermill suggested your inn. Would you happen to have a room for two available this weekend? Something really nice. My wife and I are celebrating our fifth anniversary. Yes. I'll hold. He's checking. You do? Great! What is the daily rate? That's fine. Thank you. Yes, we'll be arriving by car about ten 0'clock Friday night. Stewart. S-t-e-w-a-r-t. Thank you. Done! You and I, Mrs. Stewart, are going to have a wonderful, romantic weekend!

    Marilyn: Richard, that's the baby.

