

分类: 实用英语 

125 Partying with Foreigners

Partying is fun.But have you ever been invited to a party by a foreigner? What should you wear? Should you bring anything? If so,what? Don't worry. Today we are going to give you some tips about partying with foreigners.

First, you should ask if it is a formal or casual party. Then you will know what to wear. It's as simple as that. At a casual party, it is customary to bring a bottle of wine or some other refreshment. It is not considered polite to bring someone along with you unless you first ask your host. At more formal parties like birthdays, a small gift will be sufficient. Giving money would cause some embarrassment. Finally, never overstay your welcome. When it's getting late, it's time to thank your host for a wonderful evening and say good night.

Young kids like to party all night.

party school 混日子的学校

fun person 不同于 funny person

hospitable 好客的   hospitality  n.

tuxedo 燕尾服

suit = business suit     an evening gown 晚礼服    pajamas 睡衣

liquor 烈酒         refreshment

