

分类: 实用英语 

94. As Poor AS a Church Mouse p.142

Anna and Eric are talking about the previous lesson.

E: Wow! Those store clerks really got lucky.

A: You can say that again. Some people are born lucky.

E: There must be thousands of old men just like that doctor, I bet.

A: That's probably true. And they must be wanting to draw up a will to give their money away, too. So the next time you meet a lonely old man, you'd better treat him right.

E: Come on! What kind of person do you think I am?

A: Don't get so mad! I'm just kidding! Besides, you might not be so lucky and come across my old uncle, Jake.

E: What do you mean?

A: He's as poor as a church mouse!

mouse   mice pl.

Fortunately(Luckily), our teacher was sick on the day of testing.

be born a swimmer, a miser = be a born swimmer

I bet ten dollars on our school team.

Thank you.    answer: You bet.(年轻人口语) = You are welcome.

Look at black clouds, I bet that it'll rain.    I bet 我敢说,我打赌

draw up 草拟     hammer out 草拟     draft 草拟

The rich country gave away food to that poor country.

Dad got hopping mad when Allen took the car without asking him. 气得跳脚

