

分类: 实用英语 

53. Monkeying Around p.361

    Thai people believe that keeping monkeys happy brings good luck. So every year there's a day on which they have a special treat for monkeys called the Annual Monkey Feast. Hundreds of monkeys come from the mountains to "sit at" long buffet tables which are piled high with bananas, peanuts, watermelons and cabbage.

    Monkeys will be monkeys. So they fool around and fights break out. But nobody seems to care. Neither do the monkeys. They just stare back at the crowds of people who turn out to watch them. Then they continue to monkey around and have a good time.

    fool/horse/monkey/goof/idle around 鬼混

    keep animal 养

    He came on a day when it was rainning.

    treat sb to sth 请……客      It's my treat.我请客    The doctor treated me for my illness.治疗

    dozens of 好几十   不说:tens of

    hundreds of 好几百

    thousands of 好几千

    tens of thousands of 好几万

    hundrds of thousands of 好几十万

    Scores of people were standing in line to buy a ticket.  (旧式用法: twenties of)

    line up 排队   don't cut in (line)。 插队

    buffet  自助餐厅

    Boys will be boys. 本性难移

    An idle youth, a needy age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲

