

分类: 实用英语 

 31. Good Feng Shui in New York p.199

    Feng shui, or geomancy in English, is becoming more and more popular in America. The Chinese consider feng shui old news, but to Americans, it's something brand-new. Store and home owners are consulting feng shui masters for advice.

    How did this ancient Chinese tradition make its way across the seas? The answer is quite simple. Chinese businessmen have been building high rises in America. They deem it necessary to rely on feng shui experts, just as they would at home. More and more wealthy Americans are beginning to believe in geomancy. They say that geomancers in New York make US$250 an hour! In view of this, we can foresee a bright future for geomancy in America.

    business 生意(不可数)    企业(可数)

    It is common 疾病流行        sth be popular with sb 受欢迎

    I am totally pressured with Bruce's Chinese.

    coward 胆小鬼

    old news      a good piece of news  不说good news

    brand-new 崭新的

    I consulted the dictionary for the word Geomancy.

    advice 不可数   a good piece of advice

    make his way quickly to train station

    deem (文绉绉) = consider

    Buddhism 佛教

    believe in

    in view of = judging from

    rumour 谣传

    they say that 据说

