

分类: 实用英语 
Nature (2)
    10) Look over to the southeast and you can see the con stellation of Orion.眺望东南方向,你就可以看到猎户星座。
    *看星星可以用 look up,但由于这是要人看地平线那边的东南方,因而使用 look over.
    11) I can hardly wait to see the new comet.我急不可待地要见到新彗星的出现。
    12) The comet will appear in the southern sky.彗星出现在南方的天空。
    13) The snow will soon be deep enough to ski on.雪将会很快就积到可以滑的深度了。
    14) We can’t fly our kites any more because the wind has stopped.由于风静止,所以已经没法放风筝了。
    15) The wind was so strong last night that it blew down that tree.昨晚的风强劲到刮倒了那棵树。
    16) I can see the brown wall of dust coming toward us with the wind.风卷起褐色的墙壁似的滚滚黄沙,向这里袭来。
    17) Do you like the soft touch of snowflakes on your face?
    18) Sometimes the snow was so deep we could tunnel through it.偶尔雪会积到可以造隧道那般的深度。

