

分类: 实用英语 
Guess (2)
    10) Americans wonder what has become of the idealism of the last decade.美国人的理想主义,不知道在这十年间变得怎样了。
    11) Archeologists still can only surmise as to the origin of Man.考古学家们对于人类的起源依然无法推测。
    *surmise 是 guess 的形式上表达。
    12) Without all the facts, Helen could only conjecture a solution.由于事实还没有全部完备,海伦只能臆测解决的方法。
    *conjecture 是指没有十足根据的推测。
    13) Can Paul really suspect their stories are lies?
    *suspect 是指毫无证据地怀疑对方。
    14) They are curious about what I’ve done with my time.他们希望知道我一个人在做什么。
    *curious 和 eager to know 同样意义(渴望知道)。
    15) His parents anticipate Gary’s return home will be soon.凯利的双亲认为他不久就会回家。
    *anticipate 一词是指 look forward to.
    16) I imagine you are tried after your trip.我想你旅行回来一定疲惫不堪吧。
    17) Please try to estimate the extent of the damage.请估计一下(受)损害的程度吧。
    18) With only a few facts, Holmes could hypothesize the explanation.仅凭少许的事实,福尔摩斯就能推理该事件了。
    *hypothesize 是指建立假设。

