

分类: 实用英语 
Conversation B?
ALAN: Hi, Dad. Where is Sue??
MARTIN: She's with your mother. They went swimming.
ALAN: I'm too late.?
MARTIN: Yes, you are.?
ALAN: Where you they??
MARTIN: Look out there. Can you see them??
ALAN: Where??
MARTIN: Can you see two people there??
ALAN: Maybe. Oh, yes. I see Sue's blonde hair.?
MARTIN: Sue's a good swimmer.?
ALAN: And mother is, too.?
MARTIN: Who were those girls??
ALAN: Which girls??
MARTIN: The girls over there. You were talking to them.?
ALAN: They're friends.?
MARTIN: Are they from your school??
ALAN: Some are from school.?
MARTIN: Which ones??
ALAN: Do you see the tall girl? She has black hair. She has a small head and big brown eyes.?
MARTIN: Were you talking to her??
ALAN: Yes, I was.?
MARTIN: Yes, I see her.?
ALAN: She's in my class at school. Do you see that woman behind the girls??
MARTIN: Is she sitting??
ALAN: Yes, she is. She's sitting with a little boy. She's that girl's mother. And the boy is her brother.?
MARTIN: Where is the father??
ALAN: He's bringing food. Do you see that short girl??
MARTIN: The one with brown hair??
ALAN: No, the one with blonde hair.?
MARTIN: Yes. She's standing beside the tall girl.?
ALAN: She's in my school, too. She's not in my class. Her mother and father are here too. Do you know them??
MARTIN: I don't know. who are they??
ALAN: Mr. and Mrs Kovisar.?
MARTIN: I know the name. Where are they??
ALAN: Mr. Kovisar is that fat man.?
MARTIN: He's not very fat! He's only big.?
ALAN: He's fat. He's short and fat.?
MARTIN: Which woman is Mrs. Kovisar??
ALAN: I don't see her.?
MARTIN: Who are the other girls??
ALAN: They're not from my school. I only met them today. Do you want to swim?
MARTIN: Maybe later. You go. Sue likes swimming with you.?
ALAN: OK. See you later.?
Practice 3:依照对话B回答下列问题:?
1.Where is Sue??
2.What are Sue and her mother doing??
3.Who were those girls Alan was talking to??
4.How does Alan describe one of the girls??
5.What does Alan say about her family??
6.How is Martin's opinion different from his son's about Mr. Kovisar's phsical characteristics??
7.Who are the other girls??
8.Does Martin want to swim this time??
Practice 4:用形容词描述人的整体或部位。?
? ALAN: I see Sue's blonde hair.?
Do you see the tall girl?
She has black hair.
She has a small head amd big brown eyes.?
She's sitting with a little boy.?
Do you see that short girl?
The one with blonde hair.?
Mr Kovisar is that fat man.
He's short and fat.?
MARTIN: Blonde. Blonde hair.?
Tall. Tall girl. Black. Black hair.?
Small. Small head.?
Big. Brown. Big brown eyes.?
艾  伦:嘿,爸。苏在哪儿??
马  丁:她和你妈在一起,她们去游泳了。?
艾  伦:我来得太晚了。?
马  丁:是啊,你来得太晚了。?
艾  伦:他们在哪儿??
马  丁:看那边,你能看见他们吗??
艾  伦:哪儿??
马  丁:你能看见那边两个人吗??
艾  伦:好像能。啊,是的。我看见苏的金黄色头发了。?
马  丁:苏游得很好。?
艾  伦:妈妈游得也很好。?
马  丁:那些女孩是谁??
艾  伦:哪些女孩??
马  丁:那边那些女孩,你刚才在和她们说话。?
艾  伦:她们是朋友。?
马  丁:她们和你同校吗??
艾  伦:有一些是。?
马  丁:哪一些??
艾  伦:你看见那个高个儿女孩了吗?她留着黑发,头很小,一双棕色大眼睛。
马  丁:你刚才是和她交谈吗??
艾  伦:是的。?
马  丁:是的,我看见她了。?
艾  伦:她在学校和我同班。你看见那些女孩后面的那个女的了吗??
马  丁:她坐着吗??
艾  伦:是的,她坐着。她和一个小男孩坐在一起,她是那个女孩的母亲。还有那个男孩是她的弟弟。?
马  丁:她父亲在哪儿??
艾  伦:他在拿吃的过来。你看见那个矮个儿的女孩了吗??
马  丁:棕色头发的那个??
艾  伦:不,金黄色头发的那个。?
马  丁:对了,她站在那个高个儿女孩旁边。?
艾  伦:她也在我那个学校,她不在我班上。她的父母也在这儿,你认识他们吗?
马  丁:我不认识。他们叫什么??
艾  伦:科维萨夫妇。?
马  丁:我知道这个姓。他们在哪儿??
艾  伦:科维萨先生长得很胖。?
马  丁:他并不是很胖!他只是长得壮。?
艾  伦:他胖,他又矮又胖。?
马  丁:哪一个女的是科维萨太太??
艾  伦:我没看到她。?
马  丁:其他女孩是谁??
艾  伦:她们不是我那个学校的,我今天才见到她们。你想游泳吗??
马  丁:也许过一会儿吧,你去吧,苏喜欢和你游泳。?
艾  伦:好吧,一会儿见。
New Words Expressions 生词和短语?
brown    adj. 棕色的?
swim suit    n. 游泳衣/裤?
pretty    adj. 漂亮的?
beautiful    adj. 美丽的?
nice    adj. 好看的?
blonde    adj. 金黄色的?
Language Points 语言要点?
1. She's the one with black hair. 她是那个黑头发的。?
由 with 所引导的短语形容人的自然特征,例如:?
a girl with blonde hair 金发女郎?
a boy with blue eyes 蓝眼睛小男孩?
a man with a big nose 大鼻子男人?
由 in 引导的短语一般形容人的穿戴,例如:?
a girl in a white dress 白衣少女?
a man in blue jeans 穿牛仔裤的男子?
a woman in a brown sweater 穿棕色毛衣的妇女?
2 .I can't see his eyes. 我看不见他的眼睛。?
see 表示“看见”,强调能否看得见这一结果,例如:?
Can you see two people there? 你能看见那边两个人吗??
I see Sue's blonde hair. 我看见苏的金黄色头发。?
Can't you watch, Martin? 马丁,你难道不能看(我们游)吗??
watch 表示很关注地“看”,或是“注意”,例如:?
They watched the children dancing. 他们观看孩子们跳舞。?
Watch your step, please. 请注意走好。?
Look out there. Can you see them? 往那儿看。你看见他们了吗??
look 强调“看”的动作,例如:?
I look inside the wallet, but saw nothing in it.?
Look at the map. Did you see the location of the city??
Cultural Notes  文化注释
美国人特别喜欢户外活动(outdoor activities),常见的有各种球类、游泳、野餐(picnic)、烧烤(barbecue)、野外宿营(camping)、日光浴(sun-bathing),等等。

