

分类: 实用英语 
Conversation A : On a University Campus?
MARTIN: Hello. I'm Martin Learner. I'm a reporter. Who are you??
NANCY: I'm Nancy Kibelstis.
MARTIN: May I talk to you? I want to ask some questions.?
NANCY: Maybe.?
MARTIN: Are you a student??
NANCY: Yes.?
MARTIN: What are you studying??
NANCY: Elementary education.?
MARTIN: Are you going to be a teacher??
NANCY: Of course.?
JACKIE: Good morning. I'm Jackie.?
MARTIN: What are you doing here, Jackie?
JACKIE: I'm a student. I'm studying history.?
MARTIN: What are you doing here today??
JACKIE: Oh, We're demonstrating.?
MARTIN: When is the demonstration?
JACKIE: In the afternoon.?
NANCY: No, it isn't. It's this morning.
MARTIN: Let's ask those students.?
Practice 1:依照会话A回答下列问题:?
1.What does Nancy do??
2.What is she studying at the university??
3.Why are they both on campus??
4.When is the demonstration??
会话A : 在大学校园里?
马  丁:你好。我叫马丁·勒纳,我是记者。你叫什么??
南  希:我叫南希·基贝尔斯蒂斯。?
马  丁:我可以和你谈谈吗?我想问几个问题。?
南  希:也许可以(回答出你的问题)。?
马  丁:你是学生吗??
南  希:是的。?
马  丁:你学什么??
南  希:基础教育。?
马  丁:你打算当教师吗??
南  希:当然。?
杰  姬:早晨好。我叫杰姬。?
马  丁:你在这儿干什么,杰姬??
杰  姬:我是学生,我是学历史的。?
马  丁:你今天在这儿干什么??杰  姬:哦,我们在示威。
马  丁:示威是在什么时候??
杰  姬:在下午。?
南  希:不,不是。示威是在今天上午。?
马  丁:咱们去问问那些学生。?
Conversation B?
CARA: Good morning. I'm Cara Gutierrez. I'm a reporter. May I ask you some questions??
VINCE: OK. Where are you from?
CARA: I'm a reporter for the Voice of America. Who are you??
VINCE: I'm Vince Anzalone.?
CARA: Are you a student??
VINCE: Yes. I'm a student at the university.?
CARA: Are you a student at this university??
VINCE: Of course.?
CARA: Are all these people students??
VINCE: Yes. They are not all from this university.?
CARA: Where are they from??
VINCE: I don't know.?
CARA: What are you studying??
VINCE: I'm studying biology.?
CARA: What is this demonstration??
VINCE: It's about pollution.?
CARA: What do you mean??
VINCE: Pollution. You know-pollution.?
CARA: What kind of pollution??
VINCE: Environmental pollution. Pollution in the river.?
CARA: When is the demonstration??
VINCE: It's now. This is the demonstration.?
CARA: What are the students going to do??
VINCE: They're going to talk. They're going to sing. Some are going to speak. Some are going to read things. They're going to demonstrate.?
CARA: When is someone going to speak??
VINCE: Before lunch. Maybe after lunch, too.?
CARA: Are they going to the river??
VINCE: Yes. We're going to walk to the river. We're going to look at the pollution.
CARA: When are you going to the river??
VINCE: At twelve o'clock. We want everyone to see the river.?
Practice 2:依照会话B回答下列问题:?
1.Where and what is he studying??
2.Are all the students from the same university??
3.What is this demonstration??
4.When is the demonstration??
5.What are the students going to do ??
6.When are they going to speak and going to the river??
Practice 3: When 用来问时间时,其回答可以是大致时间,也可以是确切时间。
MARTIN: When is the demonstration??
NANCY: In the afternoon.?
JACKIE: No, it isn't. It's in the morning.?
CARA: When is the demonstration??
VINCE: It's now.?
CARA: When are you going to the river??
VINCE: At twelve o'clock.?
卡  拉:早晨好。我叫卡拉·古蒂埃勒兹,我是记者。我可以问你几个问题吗?
文  斯:可以。你是哪儿的??
卡  拉:我是“美国之音”记者。你叫什么??
文  斯:我叫文斯·阿恩扎洛尼。?
卡  拉:你是学生吗??
文  斯:是,我是大学的学生。?
卡  拉:你是这所大学的学生吗??
文  斯:当然啦。?
卡  拉:这些人都是学生吗??
文  斯:是的。他们并不都来自这所大学。?
卡  拉:他们从哪儿来??
文  斯:我不知道。?
卡  拉:你学什么??
文  斯:我学生物学。?
卡  拉:这次示威的内容是什么??
文  斯:是有关污染的问题。?
卡  拉:你指什么??
文  斯:污染。你知道——污染。?
卡  拉:什么样的污染??
文  斯:环境污染、河流污染。?
卡  拉:示威在什么时候??
文  斯:现在,这就是在示威。
卡  拉:学生们打算干什么呢??
文  斯:他们要谈论,他们要唱歌。一些人要演说,一些人要朗读。他们要示威。
卡  拉:他们什么时候演说??
文  斯:午饭前,也许午饭后还有。?
卡  拉:他们去河边吗??
文  斯:是的,我们打算步行去河边,我们要去看看那儿的污染情况。?
卡  拉:你们什么时候去河边??
文  斯:12点。我们都要看看那条河。?
Conversation C?
CARA: Hello, Martin.?
MARTIN: Hello, When is the demonstration? I've been talking to some students. They don't know.?
CARA: I talked to one student. The demonstration is now. This is the demonstration.?
Practice 4:依照会话C回答下列问题:?
1.Does Martin known the time for the demonstration??
2.When is the demonstration??
卡  拉:你好,马丁。?
马  丁:你好。示威在什么时候?我一直在和一些学生交谈,他们不知道。?
卡  拉:我和一个学生谈过,示威就在现在,这就是示威。

