

分类: 实用英语 

Conversation B?

FEMALE: Good afternoon. May I help you??

MARTIN: Yes, please. I want to buy a ticket for the movie.

FEMALE: For today??

MARTIN: Yes. What time is the movie??

FEMALE: At two o'clock, four o'clock, seven-thirty, and nine-fifteen.?

MARTIN: I want a ticket for four o'clock.?

FEMALE: How many??

MARTIN: Only one.?

FEMALE: For today??

MARTIN: Yes, for today, at four o'clock.?

FEMALE: I'm sorry. I don't have any tickets for four o'clock. Do you want another time??

MARTIN: What time do you have tickets for??

FEMALE: Two o'clock and nine-fifteen. Do you want a ticket??

MARTIN: No, thank you.?

FEMALE2: Hi. ?

MARTIN: Hello. I want to buy a ticket for the movie. Do you have any tickets?

FEMALE2: Yes, I do. What time do you want??

MARTIN: What time is the movie??

FEMALE2: Twelve-thirty, three-fifteen, five-thirty, eight o'clock, and ten o'clock, What time do you want??

MARTIN: Five-thirty.?

FEMALE2: Which movie do you want? ?

MARTIN: Pardon??

FEMALE2: Which movie do you want? There are three movies.?

MARTIN: I don't know.?

MALE: May I help you??

MARTIN: Do you have tickets for tonight??

MALE: No, I don't.?

MARTIN: When do you have tickets for? ?

MALE: I have tickets for next week.?

MARTIN: Which day? ?

MALE: Tuesday night.

MARTIN: Who is playing next week??

MALE: Baltimore and New York.?

MARTIN: What time is the game??

MALE: It's at eight o'clock.?

MARTIN: What time does the game finish??

MALE: It sometimes finishes at ten or ten -thirty.?

MARTIN: Do you have three tickets??

MALE: Of course. Do you want three tickets??

MARTIN: Yes. Where are the seats??

MALE: Here. Or here. Or here. Which seats do you want??

MARTIN: Right here. That's very good. I want three tickets.?

MALE: OK. Wait a minute.?

MALE2: Good evening.?

MARTIN: Good evening. I want to buy a ticket.?

MALE2: Where are you going??

MARTIN: I'm going to Philadelphia. What time is the train to Philadelphia??

MALE2: The next train is at two forty-five.?

MARTIN: I'm not going today. What time is the train tomorrow.?

MALE2: At two forty-five. The train to Philadelphia is at two forty-five every day.

MARTIN: Is that the only train??

MALE2: No.?

MARTIN: What time are the other trains??

MALE2: At six-fifteen in the morning. At two forty-five in the afternoon. And ten-thirty at night. Do you want a ticket??

MARTIN: I don't want a ticket today. Thanks.?

MALE2: You're welcome.?

Practice 2:用 what time 询问确切时间。?


MARTIN: What time is the movie??

What time do you have tickets for??

FEMALE: What time do you want??

MARTIN: What time is the game??

What time does the game finish??


女    :下午好,我能为你做些什么??

马  丁:是的。我想买张电影票。?

女    :今天的吗??

马  丁:对,电影是什么时间开演??

女    :两点,4点,7点30分,还有9点15分。?

马  丁:我买一张4点的票。?

女    :多少张??

马  丁:只要一张。?

女    :今天的吗??

马  丁:对,今天的,4点的。?

女    :对不起,我没有4点的票了,你要另外时间的票吗??

马  丁:你有什么时间的票。?

女    :两点钟和9点15分的。你要一张吗??

马  丁:不要了,谢谢。?

女  二:你好。?

马  丁:你好,我要买张电影票,你还有票吗??

女  二:是的,有。你要几点的??

马  丁:电影都有几点的??

女  二:12:30、3:15、5:30、8点,还有10点的。你要几点的??

马  丁:5点半。?

女  二:你要哪部电影的票??

马  丁:对不起,请再说一遍。?

女  二:你要哪部电影的票?有3部电影。?

马  丁:我不知道。?

男    :能为你效劳吗??

马  丁:你有今晚的票吗??

男    :没有。?

马  丁:你有什么时间的票??

男    :我有下周的票。?

马  丁:哪一天的??

男    :星期二晚上的。?

马  丁:下周谁参加比赛??

男    :巴尔的摩队和纽约队。?

马  丁:比赛是什么时间??

男    :8点。?

马  丁:比赛什么时间结束??

男    :有时10点结束,有时10点30分结束。?

马  丁:你有3张票吗??

男    :当然有,你要3张票吗??

马  丁:是的,座位在哪儿??

男    :这里,或这里,或这里。你要哪些座位??

马  丁:就这里,那很好,我要3张票。?

男    :好的,稍候。?

男  二:晚上好。?

马  丁:晚上好,我要买张票。?

男  二:到哪儿??

马  丁:到费城,去费城的火车是几点??

男  二:下趟火车2点45分。?

马  丁:我不是今天去,明天的火车是几点??

男  二:2点45分,去费城的火车是每天2点45分。?

马  丁:只有那么一趟吗??

男  二:不是。?

马  丁:其它的火车是什么时间??

男  二:早上6点15分,下午3点45和晚上10点30分。你想买1张吗??

马  丁:我今天不想买票,谢谢。?

男  二:不用客气。

New Words and Expressions 生词和短语?

ticket   n. 票?

batter   n. 击球手?

Proper Nouns 专有名词?

Philadelphia   费城?

Language Points 语言要点?

ticket 的基本含义是“票,券;入场券;车票”。对话中出现了 train ticket(火车票),与 ticket 有关的常用名词词组还有: plane ticket(机票),one-way ticket(单程票),round-trip ticket(往返程票),monthly ticket(月票),platform ticket(站台票),through ticket(通票),ticket office(售票处),ticket agency(票代售处)。?

ticket 后常用介词有 to 和 for,一般表示“去某处的票”时,用 to;表示“何时或何事的票”时,常用 for.例如:train ticket to Baltimore, tickets to the concert, tickets for Wednesday, tickets for the ball game, tickets for the movie, ticket for four o'clock.?

Cultural Notes  文化注释

美国国产电影分成不同的类别。G代表 general admission,即任何人都可看;PG代表 parental guidance,即小孩要看此类电影必须家长同意;R代表 restricted,18岁以下的青少年要看此类电影必须跟父母同去;X代表X-rated,18岁以下未成年人禁止看此类电影。美国电影之所以要分类是因为许多电影有暴力、恐怖及有关性方面的不健康内容,不适于未成年人看。

