

分类: 实用英语 

Conversation B?

LUIS: That's beautiful. Do you like classical guitar??

MARTIN: Yes, I do. Do you play classical guitar??

LUIS: Yes, I do. I play rock guitar in the band.?

LAURI: He plays classical guitar at home.?

LUIS: We study classical guitar.?

LAURI: Yes, we both play.?

MARTIN: I want to talk about your families. Luis, your mother is an opera singer. Where does she sing??

LUIS: South America. Central America. Mexico. She teaches singing, too.?MARTIN: Where is she from??

LUIS: She's from Spain.?

MARTIN: Where is your father from??

LUIS: He's from New York.?

MARTIN: Is he a musician??

LUIS: No, but he loves music.?

LAURI: His mother and father met at the opera.?

MARTIN: That's interesting.?

LUIS: My father loves music from Spain.?

MARTIN: Does he like your music??

LUIS: No.?

LAURI: He likes classical guitar.?

LUIS: Of course. It's from Spain.?

MARTIN: Let's listen to more music.?

MARTIN: Lauri, you sing and play the guitar. Lauri, you sing and play the guitar. Stacy plays the keyboard.?

LUIS: That's right.?

MARTIN: Who plays the drums??

LUIS: That's Ricky.?

MARTIN: Does he sing, too??

LUIS: Of course. Stacy sings, too.?

MARTIN: Are there more musicians??

LAURI: No, only four musicians travel.?

MARTIN: Do you record your music??

LUIS: No, we don't record.?

LAURI: We want to record.?

MARTIN: Lauri, were your parents musicians??

LAURI: No, but they liked music. They liked folk music. They liked jazz, too.?MARTIN: Do you like jazz? ?

LAURI: Yes, I do.?

MARTIN: Do you play jazz??

LUIS: We don't play jazz very well. Lauri plays jazz flute.?

LAURI: I studied jazz flute.

MARTIN: Where did you study??

LAURI: I studied in New York.

MARTIN: Let's listen to some jazz. Did you like that??

LAURI: I loved that.?

MARTIN: Lauri, did you and Luis meet in New York??

LAURI: Yes, we did. I studied there for three years. We met the second year. We married in New York.?

MARTIN: Do you have brothers and sisters??

LAURI: Yes, I do. I have two brothers. ?

MARTIN: Are they musicians??

LAURI: No, they aren't. They like music. ?

MARTIN: Do they like your music??

LAURI: They like it. They don't love it.?

Practice 2:用“Do you like+名词”结构询问别人对音乐的好恶。?

Examples:  MARTIN: Do you like jazz??

LAURI: Yes, I do.

MARTIN: Do you like rock music??

LAURI: Yes, I do.

MARTIN: Do you like opera??

LAURI: Yes, I do.?

会话 B?

路  易:太美了,你喜欢古典吉他吗??

马  丁:是的,你喜欢古典吉他吗??

路  易:是的,我在乐队中弹摇滚吉他。?

劳  里:他在家弹古典吉他。?

路  易:我们学习古典吉他。?

劳  里:是的,我们俩都弹。?

马  丁:我想谈一下你的家庭。路易,你母亲是歌剧演员,她都在哪儿演唱??路  易:南美洲,中美洲,墨西哥。她也教唱歌。?

马  丁:她是哪儿的人??

路  易:她是西班牙人。?

马  丁:你父亲是哪儿的人??

路  易:他是纽约人。?

马  丁:他是乐师吗??

路  易:不是,但他喜爱音乐。?

劳  里:他父母是在演歌剧中结识了。?

马  丁:这很有趣。?

路  易:我父亲喜爱西班牙音乐。?

马  丁:他喜欢你的音乐吗??

路  易:不喜欢。?

劳  里:他喜欢古典吉他。?

路  易:当然了,古典吉他来自西班牙。?

马  丁:让我们再听些音乐吧。?

马  丁:路易,你唱歌,弹吉他。劳里,你唱歌,弹吉他。斯特西弹电子琴。?路  易:不错。?

马  丁:谁打鼓呢??

路  易:里基打鼓。?

马  丁:他也唱歌吗??

路  易:当然了,斯特西也唱歌。?

马  丁:还有更多的乐师吗??

劳  里:没有,只有四名乐师去旅行的。?

马  丁:你们录制自己的音乐吗??

路  易:不,我们不录音。?

劳  里:我们想录音。?

马  丁:劳里,你的父母是乐师吗??

劳  里:不是,但他们喜欢音乐,他们喜欢民间音乐。他们也喜欢爵士乐。?

马  丁:你喜欢爵士乐吗??

劳  里:是的。?

马  丁:他们演奏爵士乐吗??

路  易:我们的爵士乐演奏得不太好,劳里吹奏爵士乐笛子。?

劳  里:我学过爵士乐笛子。?

马  丁:你在哪儿学的??

劳  里:我在纽约学的。?

马  丁:让我再听些爵士乐。?

马  丁:你喜欢吗??

劳  里:我喜爱这个。?

马  丁:劳里,你和路易是在纽约认识的吗??

劳  里:是的,我在那儿学了三年,我们第二年认识的,我们在纽约结婚的。?马  丁:你有兄弟姐妹吗??

劳  里:有,我有两个兄弟。?

马  丁:他们是乐师吗??

劳  里:不,他们不是。他们喜欢音乐。?

马  丁:他们喜欢你的音乐吗??

劳  里:他们喜欢,但不喜爱。?

Conversation C?

MARTIN: Luis, we didn't talk about country music. Do you like country music? LUIS: It's OK.?

LAURI: He doesn't like it.?

LUIS: I like some country music.?

MARTIN: Do you like country music, Lauri??

LAURI: Yes, I do. My brothers love it.?

Practice 3:英语中演奏某种乐器,用“play+the+乐器”结构表达,若询问某人是否能演奏一种乐器,用“Do you play the+乐器”结构来表达。

Examples:  MARTIN: Do you play the piano??

LAURI: Yes, I do.?

会话 C?

马  丁:路易,我们还未谈到乡村音乐。你喜欢乡村音乐吗??

路  易:还行吧。?

劳  里:他不喜欢。?

路  易:我喜欢某些乡村音乐。?

马  丁:劳里,你喜欢乡村音乐吗??

劳  里:是的,我兄弟喜爱乡村音乐。?

New Words and Expressions 生词和短语?

studio   n. 演播室;工作室?

recording studio  n. 录音室?

rock music   n. 摇滚乐?

opera   n. 歌剧?

musician   n. 乐师;音乐家?

flute   n. 笛子?

wooden   adj. 木制的?

bamboo   n. 竹?

classical   adj. 古典的?

folk music   n. 民间音乐?

keyboard   n. 键盘;电子琴?

band   n. 乐队?

central   adj. 中部的;中央的?

drum   n. 鼓?

jazz   n. 爵士乐?

Proper Nouns 专有名词?

Detroit   底特律?

South America  南美洲?

Central America  中美洲?

Mexico   墨西哥?

Spain   西班牙?

New York   纽约市?

Language Points 语言要点?

like 和 love 是表示“喜欢……”最常用的两个动词,表达类似含义的动词或短语还有:

enjoy(喜欢;享受)  例如:?

Luis enjoys listening to folk music. 路易斯喜欢听民间音乐。

be fond of(喜欢)例如:?

Martin is fond of rock music. 马丁喜欢摇滚乐。?

be crazy about(着迷;迷恋)例如:?

That young man is crazy about the girl in red.?那个年青人为那红衣服女孩而神魂颠倒。?

be wild about(对……狂热)例如:?

My brothers are wild about country music.?我弟弟们痴迷于乡村音乐。?

Cultural Notes  文化注释

音乐在美国人的生活中一直起着重要的作用。美国的民间音乐(folk music) 源于多国文化背景,为世界人民所喜欢。古典音乐方面,美国有引以为自豪的著名交响乐团,如纽约、波士顿、费城、芝加哥、底特律、洛杉矶等交响乐团。最具美国特色的是爵士乐,起源于新奥尔良(New Orleans),现已风靡全世界。

