

分类: 实用英语 

A; did you hear about car accident on Spring Road yesterday?
B: yes, I did. I heard that they took both drivers to hospital. One needed surgery.
A; yes. I heard he had a few broken bones too, but that the doctors have set the fractures without any problems.
B: the second driver was luckier. He had a concussion and need ed some stitches for his head wound.
A: yes. He was released from hospital yesterday evening. The other man could be there for weeks.
B: I understand that he’s connected to a heart monitor and breathing apparatus. His condition can’t be very good.
A; the hospital announced this morning that his condition is poor but stable. What does that mean?
B: it means he’s really badly injured, but he will almost certainly survive.
A; his family will be pleased to hear that. They must have been so worried.

A; hello. Nice to see you again. I heard you went into hospital for a few days to undergo surgery. I hope everything’s OK.
B: yes, fine. I had something wrong with my stomach. I won’t go into detail, but it wasn’t serious.
A: I really dislike going to a doctor or to a hospital.
B: I think most people are a little nervous about it. I was really very, very nervous just before I had the operation, but the anaesthetist gave me an anaesthetic and the next thing I remember was waking up after the operation.
A; It must have really hurt afterwards.
B: well, the nurse game me plenty of painkillers, but it did feel uncomfortable. I wasn’t permitted to eat anything for 48 hours. That was the worse thing.
A: I bet you were ready for a thick juicy steak when you got out of hospital.
B; I certainly was! However, the doctor gave ma a list of food I couldn’t eat for another 72 hours, and steak was on the list!
A; is there any pain now?
B; no, not at all. I stopped taking painkillers after a couple of days.
A; did they take good care of you in the hospital?
B; oh, yes. The nurse were very kind, though they were strict about what I could drink. In the end, I just drank water and nothing else. Everyone was very professional and I actually enjoyed some aspects of my stay.

peration Surgery surgeon anaesthetic ward nurse symptoms injection disease infection
Virus injury wound heart rate breathing apparatus heart monitor

