

分类: 实用英语 

A: are you an art aficionado?
B: not really. I like going to an art exhibition once or twice a year. I hardly know anything about art or sculpture. You are a true art lover, aren’t you?
A; l love going to art galleries, particularly when one is holding an exhibition of abstract art.
B: I never understand the meaning of those painting. They are too abstract for me. I didn’t pay much attention in art class at school.
A: art isn’t for everyone. I’m going to an exhibition tomorrow at the national gallery. It’s an exhibition of greek and roman sculpture.
B: I like sculpture, especially that form ancient rome or Greece. What time are you thinking of going? I’d love to go with you.
A; I thought I’d have an early lunch and go immediately afterwards. Does that sound ok to you? Bus 51 goes directly there.
B; that sounds fine. What time shall we meet at the bus stop?
A; let’s meet at 12:30. it will probably take us there or four hours to see all of the exhibits.

A: the art critic from the daily chronicle doesn’t think much of the max oreo exhibition. He says that the artwork is uninspiring and old fashioned.
B; really? I thought the exhibition showed that he had real talent. What did you think of it?
A; I liked it. I didn’t think his works were masterpieces, but the certainly weren’t uninspiring , in my opinion.
B: I don’t think I’ve ever read a good review of an exhibition by that critic. He doesn’t seem to like anything. Which kinds of paintings do you prefer?
A; I like landscapes and still life. You prefer abstract paintings, don’t you?
B; yes, I do. I like painters who use rather than watercolors. The colors appear richer. What do you think?
A: I agree. I prefer oils too. I collect landscapes, but I only have a small collection. You have a small collection of abstract art, don’t you?
B; yes. Good artwork is very expensive nowadays. When I was in china, I bought some calligraphy by famous artists. You should come and see it sometime.
A: that would be nice. Can you read the characters?
B; I know what the characters on the paintings mean. I think Chinese characters look very artistic. It’s said that the way they are written can give insight into the artist’s character.
A: I think that’s true with any of the fine arts.

Painting artwork masterpiece sculpture calligraphy/-er artist drawing exhibition art gallery (self)-portrait abstract painting landscape sculpture statue art lover art critic arts page watercolors oils still life
Art collector art aficionado a work(of art) exhibit

