

分类: 实用英语 
天天坐公共汽车,有没有想过要了解一下公交车上的英语该怎么说?不急,我们先来看一段发生老外公车上的对话:Bus driver: Move to the rear of the bus, please. There're plenty of seats in the rear.Daisy: How much is the fare, please?Bus driver: Thirty cents. Drop it in the box.Daisy: Does this bus go to Washington Park?Bus driver: Take Bus No. 9. This is No. 6.Daisy: But somebody told me this is the right bus. I'm going to Park Avenue.Bus driver: This is the right bus. I'll let you off when we get there.Daisy: Thanks a lot.Willie: I'd like a transfer to the 66th street cross-town bus. How much is the fare?Bus driver: (Giving him a transfer.) There's no charge for transfers.Willie: Is it good on any crosstown bus or only on the 66th street crosstown?Bus driver: That transfer is only good on the 66th street bus.Willie: I'm going to First Avenue. Is 66th Street my best way to get there?Bus driver: Yes.Judy: Does this bus go to Washington Square?Bus driver: No, take Bus No. 10 across the street.Judy: Thank you.Notes:1. Move to the rear of the bus每次上车的时候都会听到售票员说:“往后走,往后走,后面有座呢!”当然了,口气可没有上面对话中的那位老外司机那么客气。这个“往后走”就是“Move to the rear of the bus”了。Rear 这个词的意思是“后面、背面”,那“In (the) rear of”就是指“在……后面”了。2. 不管是刷卡还是买票,这个坐车的费用都可以说成是fare。如果想问“到……多少钱”,可以这样问:I'd like to go to... (目的地). How much is the fare?3. Drop it in the box.如果要让你无人售票汽车上,告诉外国人把钱扔进投币箱该怎么说?Drop 1 yuan or 2 yuan in the box. 千万不要小看英语中小词的威力,在外国人的日常口语中经常会用的。改编自:大学生在线

