
美国俚语: be flooded with被淹没,sth 蜂拥而至

分类: 实用英语 

1.Why don't you get out of my face now? "get out of my face""走开,滚开,马上消失"
eg: Can you make your dog get out of my face? I'm trying to study and he's bothering me.你能不能让你的狗走开,它打扰我学习了.
If you don't get out of my face,I'm going to call the police.要是你不走我叫警察了.
2.We' ve been flooded with phone calls and telegrams. "be flooded with""被淹没,sth 蜂拥而至"
eg: The radio station was flooded with phone calls from people requesting songs.人们要求点歌的电话快把电台淹没了.
Celebritied are often flooded with mail from their fans.名人们通常会收到大量的粉丝来信.
3.Don't you ever blow me off? "blow sb/sth off""不重视,不在乎,不关心,忽视"
eg: I can't believe you blew off my phone calls. I really needed to talk to you.我真没想到你这么不重视我的来电,我真的很需要和你谈谈.
Just blow off what Eric said to you last night.I don't think he meant it.别他在意Eric昨晚和你说的话,我想他不是那个意思.

