

分类: 实用英语 

  19. Do It, Now.

I can"t help it, sir. 我也无能为力,先生。

You"ve got no ID card, boy! 你是小孩吧,怎么没带身份证呀。

But I"ll pay. Why not? 但是我付钱啊,不行吗?

You"re way behind schedule. 你比预定的落后了。

Get out of the car! You"re drunk. 下车,你这家伙!喝醉了吧!

Sorry, sir. But it"s our graduation day. 对不起,不过,今天是毕业的日子嘛。

Fly me to Cuba. I hijack the plane. 飞往古巴。这架飞机我要了!(劫机,好可怕呀。)

Give me the rocket and boat, and I"ll give you a sucker. 把那火箭和快艇给我,我就给你棒棒糖。

Don"t trust him, he"s lying. 别相信他,他在乱盖。

Son! Don"t make suck a noise when you eat. 儿子,吃饭的时候不可以发出声音。

Hi, thief! Would you stop that music for me? 喂,小偷兄,你能替我把音乐关掉吗?

Who is it? Come down. 是谁?下来。

Who cares! 我不在乎!

I don"t care what you say. 我不在乎别人怎么说。

  20. Oh, No, No... (1)

Oh, no! Not today, please! 哦,不要!今天就饶了我吧。

No, Jack. You must go on. 不行,杰克。你必须继续下去。

Hello! I"m from ABC Insurance. May I speak to you? 您好,我是从ABC保险公司来的。我可以跟您谈谈吗?

Nobody"s at home. 家里面没人。

No. Can"t you see that rocket is almost falling down. 不。你不知道火箭快要倒下来了吗?

Make love not war! 要爱情不要战争。(美国反越战时期的口号。)

No, No. You can"t do it like that. 不行,不行。不能随你那样做。

You must go to the moon. It"s your duty. 你必须上月球去,这是你的职责。

We won"t go to war. 我们不希望诉诸于战争。

Stop it, Apollo! 阿波罗计划中止了。

I don"t like working on Sunday. 我不喜欢在星期天工作。

This is our play road. 这里是我们游戏的地方。

We don"t like them to pass through here. 我们不希望汽车通过这里

