

分类: 实用英语 

Forty years ago, no one could have imagined the impact that computers would have on the world. Indeed Thomas J Watson, Chairman of the Board of IBM said in the 1950s that he thought "there was a world market for about only five computers." With more than 700 million computers on earth today, Mr Watson was clearly wrong. 四十年前,没有人能想象计算机会给世界带来(如此大)的冲击。确实是这样,IBM (美国国际商用机器公司)的总裁,托马斯•J•沃特森在五十年代说过他认为“计算机的世界市场大约只有五台”。今天地球上拥有7亿台计算机,很显然,沃特森先生错了。

As most people know, you need hardware and software to make a computer work. Hardware includes the computer screen, the mouse, keyboard and of course the central processing unit that does all of the hard work for you. 正如大多数人所了解的,要想让一台计算机工作,你需要有硬件和软件。硬件包括计算机显示器、鼠标、键盘,当然还有为你做所有艰苦工作的CPU(中央处理器)。

Software includes the computer's operating system, games and office productivity software (like PowerPoint or Word). Software is a form of intellectual property and is entitled to just as much protection as real property like your car or your home. 软件包括计算机的操作系统、游戏以及办公软件(如PowerPoint 或者 Word )。软件是知识产权的一种形式,而且应该受到和你的不动产,如汽车或者房子等一样的保护。

Nobody would say that to steal hardware was OK, but millions of people around the world think that it is perfectly acceptable to steal software by copying it. Copying software and giving it away or selling it is stealing and therefore wrong. 没有人会说偷硬件是可行的,不过世界上数百万人认为以拷贝的方式来偷软件是完全可以接受的。拷贝软件送给别人或者销售出去都是偷窃行为,因此这是错误的。

Software can be expensive - often more than you can afford - but that is no reason to think it is OK to steal it or buy a pirated copy. Mercedes Benz cars are also expensive, but I cannot just go out and help myself to one just because I want one. 软件可能很昂贵——通常超出你的支付能力——但是没有理由可以承认偷窃或购买盗版是可行的。奔驰车也很贵,可是不能仅仅因为想要一辆就可以出去自己解决。

Software is expensive to develop. If developers cannot make money by selling their software, how will they fund the development of new software to make our lives even easier? 开发软件很贵。如果开发商不能通过销售他们的软件来挣钱,他们又怎么能投资开发新软件,以使我们的生活变得更轻松?

