
足球妈妈 soccer mom

分类: 实用英语 

单位附近的学校门口一到上下学的时间就会有些拥堵,倒不是因为学生太多,而是接送的家长太密集。放眼望去,几乎每个稚嫩的身影旁边都会跟着一个拎着书包和水壶的大人影。到了周末,这一对身影还有可能会出现在钢琴、绘画、舞蹈或者武术教室的门口。在国外,这种接送的任务一般都有妈妈来完成,而且她们还有个特别的称呼——soccer mom。

The phrase soccer mom generally refers to a married middle-class woman who lives in the suburbs and has school age children. She is sometimes portrayed in the media as busy or overburdened and driving a minivan. She is also portrayed as putting the interests of her family, and most importantly her children, ahead of her own.

Soccer mom(足球妈妈)一般指家住郊区、已婚、并且家中学龄儿童的中产阶级女性。媒体有时候会把这类女性描述为忙碌或不堪重负,并且时常开一辆小型货车。此外,足球妈妈们给人的印象是把家庭的利益,尤其是孩子的利益看得比自己的利益更重要。

The phrase soccer mom derives from the literal, specific description of a mother who transports and watches her children play soccer. It was also used in names of organizations of mothers who raised money to support their children's soccer teams.

Soccer mom(足球妈妈)这个短语最初用来描述那些开车载孩子去踢足球并在一旁观看的妈妈们,这个称呼也会用在妈妈们自发为孩子的足球队集资的组织名称中。

