
kitchen pass 外出许可

分类: 实用英语 

很多已婚人士说,结婚以后少了很多自由,要去哪里都要向另一半汇报,人家不同意还不能去。估计这是一个世界性的问题吧。国外很早就有专门形容这种情况的词,叫kitchen pass(厨房通行证)。别想错了,不是说家里进厨房还要通行证,而是你想出去的话,得先得到在厨房忙活的那个人的同意才行。

Kitchen pass refers to permission from one's spouse to attend an event or go on an outing.

Kitchen pass指夫妻中的一方对另一方出席活动或者出游的许可。

The Kitchen Pass name came from the idea that each member of the all-male club needed permission from his wife to go race-car driving, off-road motorcycling, fishing and a rodeo, as well as diving.

Kitchen pass这个名字的最初由来是因为全男性俱乐部的成员们在出去参加赛车、摩托车越野、钓鱼、斗牛以及跳水等活动前先要得到他们妻子的允许。

For example:

I plan to go on a fishing trip with some of my friends next week, but I have to get the kitchen pass from my wife.


