to rebuild shanty areas 棚户区改造
分类: 实用英语
"We will strive to guarantee that land used for low-income housing, for rebuilding shanty areas and for self-occupied small- or medium-sized houses accounts for more than 70 percent of the overall supply," said Liao Yonglin, director of the ministry's Department of Land Use and Administration.
文中的rebuild shanty areas就是指“棚户区改造”,shanty area就是“棚户区”,指的是城市中结构简陋,抗灾性差,居住拥挤,功能差,居住环境差的房屋集中地,某些urban fringe area(城乡结合部)也存在这种情况。
此次国土部还规定, 开发商需支付的guarantee payment for the bidding(竞买保证金)不得低于土地出让价的20%。此外,land hoarding(囤地)也将受到严惩。今年,国土部还将重点清查houses with limited property rights(小产权房)。