
free range 自由放养

分类: 实用英语 

The expression “free range” usually relates to animals - often chickens and cows that range or go looking freely for food, rather than being closed in a cage or yard.

“Free range(自由放养)”这个短语通常与动物有关,指鸡或牛被放散出去自己觅食,而不是被关在笼子或牛圈里喂养。

The idea behind this is that animals allowed to wander about and be free will be happier and healthier and thus be better for human consumption.


So the idea of a free-range kid is that the child was allowed a fair amount of freedom by their parents while growing up. It’s said that this group of kids are more likely to thrive than those who are strictly monitored by parents. Allowing one's children free time is called free-range parenting.


