
Awareness band 公益腕带

分类: 实用英语 

Awareness band is a bracelet made of rubber or fabric which has a slogan written on it, sold to raise awareness of particular charitable causes.

Awareness band(公益腕带)就是由橡皮或纤维制成,上面印有某种口号的腕带,其上市销售的目的主要是为了宣传某种慈善公益理念。

Awareness bands come in a range of bright colours, each bearing an individual slogan intended to raise money for and general awareness of a particular charity, such as cancer, HIV, racism, etc.


The awareness band concept began with Lance Armstrong, an American cyclist who was diagnosed with cancer in 1996, and only given a 50% chance of survival. Armstrong created the Lance Armstrong Foundation for cancer patients, and designed a yellow Livestrong wristband, the yellow for the Tour de France and 'live strong', his motto. Five million bands were initially made, to be sold at one dollar each with all proceeds going to the foundation.

公益腕带理念最初来自于美国自行车手兰斯•阿姆斯特朗,他在1996年被诊出患有癌症,且只有五成的存活几率。他为癌症病人创立了兰斯•阿姆斯特朗基金,还设计了一款黄色的Livestrong腕带。黄色代表环法自行车赛,而live strong(坚强生活)则是他的座右铭。这款腕带最初只生产了500万个,每个售价1美元,所有收入均流向阿姆斯特朗基金。

